

Political District of the head of the political department of the 252nd Infantry Division A. T. Konstantinov to the head of the political department of the Don Front S. F. Galadzhev and the head of the political department of the 21st Army L. I. Sokolov on hostilities and the state of the division

F. 206.The political exploration of the head of the political department of the 252nd Infantry Division A. T. Konstantinov, the head of the political department of the Don Front, S. F. Galadzhev and the head of the political department of the 21st Army L. I. Sokolov on hostilities and the state of the division.
December 13, 1942
Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Ciphers on the People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov’s Office of the USSR in the UK I.M.May on the response of the Soviet government to the memorandum of the British government on the project of the establishment of the United Nations Administration to provide assistance and restoration.Script.Edit and litter V.M.Molotova violet ink: "T.Stalin.For approval.T. Mikoyan agrees, but doubts in paragraph 4 -M.[Signature].12/XII ".Resolution I.V.Stalin in a blue pencil: "Sogl [Asen].I. Stalin ".December 13, 1942

Ciphers on the People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov’s Office of the USSR in the UK I.M.May on the response of the Soviet government to the memorandum of the British government on the project of the establishment of the United Nations Administration to provide assistance and restoration.Script.Edit and litter V.M.Molotova violet ink: "T.Stalin.For approval.T. Mikoyan agrees, but doubts in paragraph 4 -M.[Signature].12/XII ".Resolution I.V.Stalin in a blue pencil: "Sogl [Asen].I. Stalin ".December 13, 19421942.
13 декабря 1942 г.
Архив внешней политики Российской Федерации

Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 2623 on the appointment of Kuznetsov V.V.Deputy Member of the GKO Malenkova control the implementation of solutions for ferrous metallurgy.December 14, 1942

Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 2623 on the appointment of Kuznetsov V.V.Deputy Member of the GKO Malenkova control the implementation of solutions for ferrous metallurgy.December 14, 19421942.
14 декабря 1942 г.
Российский государственный архив социально-политической истории

Order of the Supreme Commander -in -Chief No. 170708 to the representative of the High Command Betting Headquarters A. M. Vasilevsky ("Mikhailov") on the need to postpone the beginning of the operation "Ring" in connection with the changed atmosphere at the front

F. 3.The order of the Supreme Commander -in -Chief No. 170708 to the representative of the High Command Betting Headquarters A. M. Vasilevsky ("Mikhailov") on the need to postpone the beginning of the operation "Ring" in connection with the changed situation at the front.
December 14, 1942
Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Federal Archival Agency

F. 48.Description of the general course of hostilities of units of the Stalingrad Front.
December 14, 1942
CA MO RF.F. 48. Op.451. D. 141. L. 48-50
