Manuscripts, versions of works
Manuscripts, versions of works
Russian archive. G. 18 1880, book. 3
Russian archive. Moscow: University Press (Katkov and Co.), 1863-1917.
G. 18 1880, the book. 3. 1880.
G. 18 1880, the book. 3. 1880.
[End of the poem Pushkin "Mermaid"].Chapters reported by Zuyev D. P. in the meeting of the Russian Literary Society in February 1889, as he heard personally from Pushkin A. S. at the apartment of the Poet of the Gubra in November 1836, with the application of the letter Zueva D. P. To Chicherin B. N. Dated March 26, 1899 and cutting from the newspaper "News" No. 46 of February 15, 1889, as well as copies of the scene-reported scenes rewritten A. A. Chicherina
Chicherin Boris Nikolaevich, Lawyer, Philosopher, Professor of Moscow University, Zemsky leader.[End of the poem Pushkin "Mermaid"].Chapters reported by Zuyev D. P. in the meeting of the Russian Literary Society in February 1889, as he heard personally from Pushkin A. S. at the apartment of the Poet of the Gubra in November 1836, with the application of the letter Zueva D. P. To Chicherin B. N. Dated March 26, 1899 and cutting from the newspaper "News" No. 46 of February 15, 1889, as well as copies of the scene-reported scenes rewritten by A. A. Chicherina.
Государственный архив Российской Федерации
Two autographs of Pushkin
Qyavlovsky, M. DVA Autograph Pushkin.Moscow: ed.L.E.Accounts, 1914.
Samara OUNB
Рукописи А.С. Пушкина: 1. Новая глава из "Капитанской Дочки"; 2. Письмо к Д. В. Давыдову. С. 218-228 (сканы 228-238)