The Multan Case

The Multan Case

Reply to the professor of forensic medicine, FA Patenko, on his article written about my forensic medical examination in the case of multtan votyaks, accused of bringing a human sacrifice to pagan gods

  Bellin, Emily Fedorovich (1852-1902).     Reply to the professor of forensic medicine, FA Patenko, on his article written about my forensic medical examination in the case of multtan votyaks, accused of sacrificing human sacrifice to pagan gods.
Kharkov: Type. A. Darre, 1896.

Concerning the article by the part of E.F. Bellina "Forensic medical examination in the case of the Multatan votyaks, accused of bringing a human sacrifice to the pagan gods". (Doctor, 1896, No. 12)

Patenko, Theodosius Alekseevich (1851-1911). Concerning the article by the part of E.F. Bellina "Forensic medical examination in the case of the Multatan votyaks, accused of bringing a human sacrifice to the pagan gods". (Doctor, 1896, No. 12). Kharkov: type. Lips. 1896.