Visit of Princes Siama to Russia

Visit of Princes Siama to Russia

Department of General Affairs of the Ministry of the Interior.Fund Department of General Ministries of Internal Affairs.The case of the arrival of his imperial highness of the Siamese Prince Damronage from Berlin to Russia

Department of General Affairs of the Ministry of the Interior.Russia.Ministry of the Interior.Department of General.The case of the arrival of his imperial highness of the Siamese Prince Damronage from Berlin to Russia.1891.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

The Marshal of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. Fund Hofmarshalskaya part of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. The case of orders and expenses on the occasion of the stay of His Highness Crown Prince of Siam Chakrobon

The Marshal of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.
Russia. Ministry of the Imperial Court. The Marshal of the Marshals. The case of orders and expenses on the occasion of the stay of his highness Crown Prince of Siam Chakrobon. 1910-1911.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

His Imperial Majesty's Cabinet of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. The Cabinet of His Imperial Majesty's Ministry of the Imperial Court. The case of the costs of the stay in Russia of the Siamese Prince Chakrobon

His Imperial Majesty's Cabinet of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.
Russia. Ministry of the Imperial Court. His Imperial Majesty's Office. The case of expenses for the stay in Russia of the Siamese Prince Chakrobon. 1904-1905.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"