Biographical materials

Biographical materials

Black notes and magazine and newspaper cuttings about N. I. Pirogov

Koni Anatoly Fedorovich, lawyer, writer, member of the Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the St. Petersburg District Court, Member of the State Council.Black notes and journal and newspaper cuttings about N. I. Pirogov.
Государственный архив Российской Федерации

Russian antiquity. G. 42 1911, P. 147, book. 8, August

Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg: B. and. G. 42, 1911, P. 147, book. 8, August: G. 42 1911, P. 147, book. 8, August. 1911.

Starosivilsky S. N. I. Pirogov is a great healer of the body and educator of the soul. pp. 224-236 (scans 40-52).
