Archive, Library and Museum of Society
Archive, Library and Museum of Society
Systematic catalog of library books of the Russian Geographical Society.Part 1. Books in Russian
Systematic catalog of library books of the Russian Geographical Society.Part 1: Books in Russian.1922.
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The case of expanding the premises of the library of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case of expanding the premises of the library of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society.
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
The case of the allocation of a special state premises for the museum of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case of the allocation of a special state premises for the museum of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society.
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
- Society's Archive
Description of the manuscripts of the scientific archive of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society.Ext.1
Zelenin.D.K. Description of the manuscripts of the scientific archive of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society.Ext.1. 1914.Description of the manuscripts of the scientific archive of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society.Ext.2
Zelenin.D.K. Description of the manuscripts of the scientific archive of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society.Ext.2. 1915.Description of the manuscripts of the scientific archive of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society.Ext.3
Zelenin.D.K. Description of the manuscripts of the scientific archive of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society.Ext.3. 1916.Invitations to meetings: 1) the Russian Geographical Society, indicating the agenda and 2) the Commission on the organization of archives; extract from the statute of the Russian Geographical Society
Kalachev Nikolai Vasilyevich (1819-1885).
Invitations to meetings: 1) Russian Geographical Society, indicating the agenda and 2) Commission on the organization of archives; extract from the charter of the Russian Geographical Society.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe Presidential Library and the Russian Geographical Society digitize unique archival documents
The Presidential Library and the Russian Geographical Society digitize unique archival documents. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2016.- List of holdings
Manuscripts in the Arkhangelsk Gubernia (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society. Manuscripts in the Arkhangelsk Gubernia (geography, ethnography, folklore).Manuscripts on the Astrakhan province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts on the Astrakhan province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts of the works of members of the Russian Geographical Society in the Bessarabian province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
In 1918 (after the annexation of Bessarabia to Russia), the Bessarabian region was formed, which was ruled by the so-called Supreme Council, the chairman of which was the plenipotentiary of the Bessarabian region, the title of which was then connected with the title of the Novorossiysk General General.In 1854, a general institution of provincial departments was distributed to the Bessarabian region, and in 1873 the region was renamed the province.At the end of the XIX century.The province consisted of 8 counties.In this form, it existed until 1917Manuscripts in the Vilnius province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Scientific archive.Manuscripts in the Vilnius province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Manuscripts of the works of members of the Russian Geographical Society for the Vitebsk province (R-V Foundation) (General Part)
Manuscripts of the works of members of the Russian Geographical Society for the Vitebsk province (R-V Foundation) (common part).PB named afterB.N.Yeltsin
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscript of works in the Vladimir province.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts in the Vologda province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts in the Vologda province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts in the Volyn province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Scientific archive.Manuscripts in the Volyn province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Manuscripts in the Donetsk province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Manuscripts in the Donetsk province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Manuscripts in the Voronezh province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts in the Voronezh province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts in the Vyatka province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts in the Vyatka province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts in the Grodno province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Scientific archive.Manuscripts in the Grodno province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Manuscripts of works in the Yekaterinoslav province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts of works in the Yekaterinoslav province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts of works in the Kazan province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts of works in the Kazan province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts of works in the Kaluga province (geography, folklore, ethnography)
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts of works in the Kaluga province (geography, folklore, ethnography).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts of works in the Kyiv province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Scientific archive.Manuscripts of works in the Kyiv province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Manuscript of works on Kovenskaya (Vilnius) province
Russian Geographical Society.Scientific archive.Manuscripts of works on the Kovenskaya (Vilnius) province.Рукописи трудов по Костромской губернии
Русское географическое общество. Рукописи трудов по Костромской губернии.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts of works in the Kursk province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts of works in the Kursk province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts of works in the Minsk province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts of works in the Minsk province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts of works in the Mogilev province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Scientific archive.Manuscripts of works in the Mogilev province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Manuscripts of works in the Moscow province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Manuscripts of works in the Moscow province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts of the Nizhny Novgorod province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts of the Nizhny Novgorod province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts of works on the Novgorod province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts of works in the Novgorod province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts of works in the Olonets province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts of works in the Olonets province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts of works in the Orenburg province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts of works in the Orenburg province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Manuscripts of works in the Oryol province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Manuscripts of works in the Oryol province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe manuscripts of the works of the Penza province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.The manuscripts of the works of the Penza province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts of works on the Perm province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Scientific archive.Manuscripts of works on the Perm province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Manuscripts of works in the Podolsk province (geography, ethnography, folklore) (R-XXX Foundation) (common part)
Manuscripts of works in the Podolsk province (geography, ethnography, folklore) (R-XXX Foundation) (general part).Manuscripts of works on the Poltava province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Scientific archive.Manuscripts of works on the Poltava province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Manuscripts of works in the Pskov province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Scientific archive.Manuscripts of works in the Pskov province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Manuscripts of works in the Ryazan province (geography, ethnography, folklore) (Foundation R-XXXIII) (General part)
Manuscripts of works in the Ryazan province (geography, ethnography, folklore) (fund R-XXXIII) (common part).Manuscripts of works in the Samara province (geography, ethnography, folklore) (R-XXXIV Foundation) (General part)
Manuscripts of works in the Samara province (geography, ethnography, folklore) (R-XXXIV Foundation) (general part).Manuscripts of works on the St. Petersburg province (geography, ethnography, folklore).(Foundation R-XXXV)
Manuscripts of works on the St. Petersburg province (geography, ethnography, folklore).(Foundation R-XXXV).Manuscripts of works on the Tauride province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts of works on the Tauride province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахРукописи трудов по Тверской губернии (география, этнография, фольклор)
Русское географическое общество. Рукописи трудов по Тверской губернии (география, этнография, фольклор).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts of works in the Tula province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts of works in the Tula province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts of works in the Ufa province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts of works in the Ufa province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахDescription of documents and cases stored in the archive of the Holy Governing Synod
Russia.Synod.Archive.Description of documents and cases stored in the archive of the Holy Governing Synod.St. Petersburg: Synod.Type., 1868-1914.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts of works in the Kherson province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts of works in the Kherson province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts of works in the Yaroslavl province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society.Manuscripts of works in the Yaroslavl province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахManuscripts of works on the Yenisei province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
Russian Geographical Society. Manuscripts of works on the Yenisei province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Says on expeditions of actual members of the geographical society
Russian Geographical Society.Says on expeditions of actual members of the geographical society.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах- Personal holding of N. I. Vavilov
Expedition to Eritrea
Expedition to Eritrea.Expedition to Spain and Portugal
Expedition to Spain and Portugal.Expedition to Palestine, about.Crete, about.Cyprus.
Expedition to Palestine, about.Crete, about.Cyprus.Expedition to Japan and about about.Formose.
Expedition to Japan and about about.Formose.The expedition to the Sin-Zzyansk Province of China.
The expedition to the Sin-Zzyansk Province of China.Expedition to Afghanistan.
Expedition to Afghanistan.Expedition to North and South America.
Expedition to North and South America.Expedition to Mexico, Cuba, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina
The expedition to Mexico, to Cuba, in Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina.Expedition to South America
Expedition to South America.Expedition to America and Mediterranean countries
Expedition to America and Mediterranean countries.Archaeological monuments
Archaeological monuments.Tables with plants for reports
Tables with plants for reports.Centers of the origin of cultivated plants.(cards)
Centers of the origin of cultivated plants.(cards).