Press coverage of the actions of the Provisional Government
Press coverage of the actions of the Provisional Government
Written from the newspaper "Military Herald" on the assumption of the appointment of the Minister of War appointed by the Provisional Government
Denikin Anton Ivanovich, Lieutenant-General, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces in the South of Russia.
Written from the newspaper "Military Herald" on the assumption of the appointment of the Minister of War appointed by the Provisional Government.
Written from the newspaper "Military Herald" on the assumption of the appointment of the Minister of War appointed by the Provisional Government.
Cuttings from the newspaper "Bulletin of the Provisional Government" for 1917. March, April. Part 1
Print reviews, extracts and cuttings from print (collection).
Cuttings from the newspaper "Bulletin of the Provisional Government" for 1917. March, April. Part 1.
Cuttings from the newspaper "Bulletin of the Provisional Government" for 1917. March, April. Part 1.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
Действия правительства. От Временного правительства. «Граждане!». Состав правительства и др. 6 марта (сканы 5-6)
Действия правительства. Воззвания Временного правительства: К населению, армии и флоту. 9 марта (сканы 9-10)
Действия правительства. От Временного правительства. 8 марта (скан 11)
Cuttings from the newspaper "Herald of the Provisional Government" for 1917. March, April. Part 2
Print reviews, extracts and cuttings from print (collection).
Scraps from the newspaper "The Herald of the Provisional Government" for 1917. March, April. Part 2.
Scraps from the newspaper "The Herald of the Provisional Government" for 1917. March, April. Part 2.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
От исполнительного комитета Государственной Думы. Состав Временного правительства и др. (скан 4)
Циркулярная телеграмма председателя Совета министров (скан 4)
Разнообразные приказы по министерствам и др. (сканы 4-5)
Cuttings from the newspaper "Herald of the Provisional Government" for 1917. March, April. Part 3
Print reviews, extracts and cuttings from print (collection).
Scraps from the newspaper "The Herald of the Provisional Government" for 1917. March, April. Part 3.
Scraps from the newspaper "The Herald of the Provisional Government" for 1917. March, April. Part 3.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
Петроград. Административные известия. О вступлениях в должность (сканы 7-8)