1812th year. Patriotic War
Krylov, Victor Alexandrovich (playwright, 1838-1906).
1812th year. Patriotic War.
St. Petersburg: Typical lithography of Shreder, 1903.
St. Petersburg: Typical lithography of Shreder, 1903.
С-Петерб. гос. Театр. б-ка
Days of the Patriotic War (1812)
Kurbsky, Alexey Alekseevich (playwright).
The days of the Patriotic War (1812).
St. Petersburg .: Typo-lithography K. Feldman, [1912].
St. Petersburg .: Typo-lithography K. Feldman, [1912].
С-Петерб. гос. Театр. б-ка
Around the blazing Moscow
Mosolov, Alexander Nikolaevich (statesman, playwright, 1844-1904).
Around the blazing Moscow.
St. Petersburg: Printing house of AS Suvorin, 1900.
St. Petersburg: Printing house of AS Suvorin, 1900.
С-Петерб. гос. Театр. б-ка
Nigon, Gabriel (French playwright).
1812. [Saint Petersburg, 1912].
С-Петерб. гос. Театр. б-ка
The Russians in 1812
Paschenko, Mikhail (playwright).
The Russians in 1812.
[St. Petersburg], 1864.
[St. Petersburg], 1864.
С-Петерб. гос. Театр. б-ка
Liberation of Smolensk
Svechinsky, Ivan N (playwright).
Liberation of Smolensk.
С-Петерб. гос. Театр. б-ка
Kremnev, a Russian soldier
Skobelev, Ivan Nikitich (military leader, writer, 1778-1849).
Kremnev, Russian soldier.
St. Petersburg: In the printing house of N. Grech, 1839.
St. Petersburg: In the printing house of N. Grech, 1839.
С-Петерб. гос. Театр. б-ка
The peasant officer, or the news of the expulsion of the French from Moscow
Fedorov, Boris Mikhailovich (writer, poet, 1794-1875).
Peasant officer, or News of the expulsion of the French from Moscow.
In St.Petersburg: In the Imperial Printing House, 1813.
In St.Petersburg: In the Imperial Printing House, 1813.
С-Петерб. гос. Театр. б-ка
Private Chetvertakov, Partizan of 1812
Shabelsky, Alexander Vasilievich (actor, director, playwright).
Private Quarters, Partisans of 1812.
[St. Petersburg], [1912].
[St. Petersburg], [1912].
С-Петерб. гос. Театр. б-ка