- The composition of the second coalition cabinet
Nekrasov Nikolai Vissarionovich (1879-1940)
Nekrasov Nikolai Vissarionovich (1879-1940). St. Petersburg, 1910.Заместитель министра-председателя и министр финансовMember of the Provisional Government ND Avksentiev among the military
Member of the Provisional Government ND Avksentyev among the military. 1917.Министр внутренних делThe leader of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, VM Chernov, in the group of deputies of the All-Russian Peasant Council
Nappelbaum, Moses Solomonovich (1869-1958). Leader of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, VM Chernov, in the group of deputies of the All-Russian Peasant Council. Petrograd, 1917.Министр земледелияMinister of the Provisional Government AM Nikitin
Minister of the Provisional Government AM Nikitin. Petrograd, 1917.Министр почт и телеграфовMI Skobelev, NS Chkheidze, GV Plekhanov in the Presidium of the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies
M. I. Skobelev, N. S. Chkheidze, G. V. Plekhanov in the Presidium of the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies. Petrograd, June 1917.Minister of Agriculture VM Chernov and Minister of Internal Affairs ND Avksentev in the group
Minister of Agriculture VM Chernov and Interior Minister ND Avksentev in the group. 1917.Opening of the sailor's university. [Fourth from the right - AF Kerensky, second from the right - PA Kropotkin]
Opening of the sailor's university. [Fourth from the right - AF Kerensky, second from the right - PA Kropotkin]. - Moscow State Conference
At the Moscow State Meeting
At the Moscow State Meeting.Participants in the State Meeting PN Milyukov and PA Kropotkin
Participants in the State Meeting PN Milyukov and PA Kropotkin. Moscow, August 1917.Participants in the State Meeting PN Milyukov, NM Kishkin and AI Shingarev
Leonidov Participants in the State Meeting PN Milyukov, NM Kishkin and AI Shingarev. Moscow, August 1917.L. G. Kornilov in the group of members of the Provisional Government before the State Meeting
L. G. Kornilov in the group of members of the Provisional Government before the State Meeting.
[Moscow], 1917.A group of participants at the State Meeting at the Bolshoi Theater
Svishtov-Paola, Nikolai Ivanovich (1874-1964). A group of participants at the State Meeting at the Bolshoi Theater. Moscow, August 1917.В первом ряду (слева): П. Н. Милюков, М. И. Шефтель - Public loan
Days of the "Loan of Freedom" in Petrograd on July 26-28
Days of the "Loan of Freedom" in Petrograd on July 26-28.Loan of Liberty. On the defense of free Russia
Loan of Liberty. To protect free Russia.Selling bread - buy a loan of freedom
Selling bread - I'll buy a loan of Freedom.Sold bread - bought a loan
I sold bread - bought a loan.Sow a good seed, subscribe to the Loan of Freedom
Sow a good seed, subscribe to the Loan of Freedom.What is true is the truth: freedom depends on the "Loan of Freedom"
What is true is the truth: freedom depends on the "Loan of Freedom".So in 1917, the salvation of the motherland depended on the success of the Loan of Liberty
So in 1917, the salvation of the homeland depended on the success of the Loan of Liberty.