Izvestiya of the East Siberian Division of the Russian Geographical Society. T. 12, No. 1. 1881
Russian Geographical Society. East-Siberian department. Izvestiya of the East Siberian Division of the Russian Geographical Society. Irkutsk, 1870-.
T. 12, No. 1: 1881. 1881.
T. 12, No. 1: 1881. 1881.
Иркутская ОГУНБ
Сведения о вскрытии и замерзании рек, озер, заливов и др. вод Восточной Сибири с 1874 по 1881 (с. 29-35)
Izvestiya of the East Siberian Division of the Russian Geographical Society. T. 13, No. 3. 1882
Russian Geographical Society. East-Siberian department. Izvestiya of the East Siberian Division of the Russian Geographical Society. Irkutsk, 1870-. Film T. 13, No. 3: 1882. 1882.
Иркутская ОГУНБ
К вопросу об устройстве Обь-Енисейского водного сообщения (с. 48-49)
Description of the rivers Tura and Tobola as waterways connecting the river system. Obi from the Yekaterinburg-Tyumen railway. etc., according to the studies of 1884-1885
Yanishev, Leonid Ivanovich (1853-1905). Description of the rivers Tura and Tobola as waterways connecting the river system. Obi from the Yekaterinburg-Tyumen railway. etc., according to the studies of 1884-1885. [St. Petersburg]: type. M-va put. messages. (A. Benke), [1885].
Annexes to the report of the commercial agent Krill about the shopping centers of Western Siberia and its waterways and horse-drawn tracks
Attachments to the report of commercial agent Krill about the shopping centers of Western Siberia and its waterways and horse-drawn tracks. [B. m.]: Type. Book. V. I. Meshchersky, [1893].
To the question of foreign markets of Siberia
Sibiryakov, A.K on the external markets of Siberia. Tobolsk: Type. Lips. Pravl., 1894.
Тюменская ОНБ
О водных путях сообщения в Сибири.
Geography of Asia. [T. 6]. Eastern Siberia: Lake Baikal and the Baikal region, Transbaikalia and the Gobi steppe
Ritter, Carl (1779-1859).
Geography of Asia. Eastern Siberia: Lake Baikal and the Baikal region, Transbaikalia and the Gobi steppe. [Ch. 2, General review of the Baikal mountains and Lake Baikal. North-western shore of Lake Baikal from the south-western tip of the lake to the mouth of the Upper Angara. The Primorsky and Onotsky Ridges.
St. Petersburg: printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1856-. 1895.
St. Petersburg: printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1856-. 1895.
On the influence of Siberian rivers on the waters of the Arctic Ocean and the Kara Sea
Polylov, Alexander Mikhailovich. On the influence of Siberian rivers on the waters of the Arctic Ocean and the Kara Sea. St. Petersburg: R. Golike and A. Vildborg, 1907.
Guide to the Irtysh and the Ob. Partnership of the West Siberian Shipping Company and Trade
Guide to the Irtysh and the Ob. Partnerships of the West Siberian Shipping Company and trade.
Saint-Petersburg: Art-graph. atelier and printing M. Pivovarsky [and] A. Typographer, [1914].
Saint-Petersburg: Art-graph. atelier and printing M. Pivovarsky [and] A. Typographer, [1914].
Омская ГОНБ
Guide to Irtysh and Ob
Guide to the Irtysh and the Ob. Petrograd: Typography of M. Pivovarsky and C. Tipograf, [1916].
Тюменская ОНБ
Distances along the rivers of Western Siberia: Nitsa, Tura, Tobol, Sosva, Tavda, Irtysh, Ob and Chulym
Distances along the rivers of Western Siberia: Nitsa, Tura, Tobol, Sosva, Tavda, Irtysh, Ob and Chulym.
Tyumen: Electro-type. A. A. Krylov,
Tyumen: Electro-type. A. A. Krylov,
- Angara River
A brief description of the study of the Angara River, produced by the Angara Descriptive Party in 1887-1889. under the command of engineer. M.Cherncova
Russia. Ministry of Railways A brief description of the study of the Angara River, produced by the Angara Descriptive Party in 1887-1889. under the command of engineer. M. Cherntsova.
St. Petersburg: Type. br. Panteleevykh, 1894.The Siberian archive. 1912, No. 5 (March)
The Siberian archive. 1912, No. 5 (March). Category: Irkutsk. MP Okuneva, 1911-1916.Дневник Н. И. Витковского, веденный им во время поездки по р. Ангаре в 1882 года от г. Иркутска до устья реки Тасеевой (с. 341-354)The Siberian archive. 1912, No. 10 (Aug.)
The Siberian archive. 1912, No. 10 (Aug.). Category: Irkutsk. MP Okuneva, 1911-1916.Дневник Н. И. Витковского, веденный им во время поездки по р. Ангаре в 1882 года от г. Иркутска до устья реки Тасеевой (с. 745-754)The Siberian archive. 1912, No. 11 (Sept.)
The Siberian archive. 1912, No. 11 (Sept.). Category: Irkutsk. MP Okuneva, 1911-1916.Дневник Н. И. Витковского, веденный им во время поездки по р. Ангаре в 1882 года до устья реки Тасеевой (с. 825-837) - Yenisei River
According to the Yenisei
Peredolsky, Vladimir Vasilyevich (1869-). According to the Yenisei. St. Petersburg: the publication of AF Devrien, [1908]. - Irtysh River
Irtysh Water in Sanitary and Technical Relations
Gursky, IVVoda Irtysh in sanitary and technical relations. Tobolsk: Type. Lips. Pravl., 1892.The Irtysh guide
Guide to Irtysh. Tyumen: Type. L. V. Sharavieva, 1911; Yekaterinburg. - Ob River
Geographical description of the lower reaches of the Ob River and conditions of navigation
Dunin-Gorkavich, AA Geographical description of the lower reaches of the Ob River and the conditions of navigation. St. Petersburg: Type. Marine M-va in Ch. Admiralty, 1909. - Taz River
Overview of the Taza Basin
Shukhov, Innokentiy Nikolaevich (1894-1956). General overview of the basin of the river Taza. Achinsk: printing house of KF Krestnikov, 1915. - Shchuchya River
Shchuchya River
Shukhov, Innocent. Shchuchya River. Tobolsk, 1914.