The diary of the expedition of Alexander Lavrentievich Chekanovsky along the rivers of Lower Tunguska, Olenek and Lena in 1873-75
Chekanovsky, Alexander Lavrentievich (1832-1876). Diary of the expedition of Alexander Lavrentievich Chekanovsky on the rivers of Nizhnyaya Tunguska, Olenek and Lena in 1873-75. St. Petersburg: printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1896.
- Angara River
A brief description of the study of the Angara River, produced by the Angara Descriptive Party in 1887-1889. under the command of engineer. M.Cherncova
Russia. Ministry of Railways A brief description of the study of the Angara River, produced by the Angara Descriptive Party in 1887-1889. under the command of engineer. M. Cherntsova.
St. Petersburg: Type. br. Panteleevykh, 1894.The Siberian archive. 1912, No. 5 (March)
The Siberian archive. 1912, No. 5 (March). Category: Irkutsk. MP Okuneva, 1911-1916.Дневник Н. И. Витковского, веденный им во время поездки по р. Ангаре в 1882 года от г. Иркутска до устья реки Тасеевой (с. 341-354)The Siberian archive. 1912, No. 10 (Aug.)
The Siberian archive. 1912, No. 10 (Aug.). Category: Irkutsk. MP Okuneva, 1911-1916.Дневник Н. И. Витковского, веденный им во время поездки по р. Ангаре в 1882 года от г. Иркутска до устья реки Тасеевой (с. 745-754)The Siberian archive. 1912, No. 11 (Sept.)
The Siberian archive. 1912, No. 11 (Sept.). Category: Irkutsk. MP Okuneva, 1911-1916.Дневник Н. И. Витковского, веденный им во время поездки по р. Ангаре в 1882 года до устья реки Тасеевой (с. 825-837) - Yenisei River
According to the Yenisei
Peredolsky, Vladimir Vasilyevich (1869-). According to the Yenisei. St. Petersburg: the publication of AF Devrien, [1908]. - Irtysh River
Irtysh Water in Sanitary and Technical Relations
Gursky, IVVoda Irtysh in sanitary and technical relations. Tobolsk: Type. Lips. Pravl., 1892.The Irtysh guide
Guide to Irtysh. Tyumen: Type. L. V. Sharavieva, 1911; Yekaterinburg. - Ob River
Geographical description of the lower reaches of the Ob River and conditions of navigation
Dunin-Gorkavich, AA Geographical description of the lower reaches of the Ob River and the conditions of navigation. St. Petersburg: Type. Marine M-va in Ch. Admiralty, 1909. - Taz River
Overview of the Taza Basin
Shukhov, Innokentiy Nikolaevich (1894-1956). General overview of the basin of the river Taza. Achinsk: printing house of KF Krestnikov, 1915. - Shchuchya River
Shchuchya River
Shukhov, Innocent. Shchuchya River. Tobolsk, 1914.