Siberian Federal District
Siberian Federal District
The case of the trip of professor of the University of R.E. Troutfetter to St. Petersburg for processing plants collected during an academic expedition to Siberia
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of Education.
The case of the trip of professor of the University of R.E. Troutfetter to St. Petersburg for the processing of plants collected during the academic expedition to Siberia.
The case of the trip of professor of the University of R.E. Troutfetter to St. Petersburg for the processing of plants collected during the academic expedition to Siberia.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
Proceedings of the West Siberian Division of the Russian Geographical Society. Issue. 2. Listostebelnye mosses of Western Siberia
Russian Geographical Society. West-Siberian department. Proceedings of the West Siberian Division of the Russian Geographical Society. Omsk: the publication of Zap.-Sib. ord. Russian. Geographical Society, 1922.
Issue. 2: Listostebelnye mosses of Western Siberia. 1922.
Issue. 2: Listostebelnye mosses of Western Siberia. 1922.
Русское географическое общество
Wild medicinal plants in Western Siberia
Maslennikov, Leonid Petrovich (pharmacologist, 1885-). Wild medicinal plants in Western Siberia.
Новосибирская ГОНБ
- Республика Бурятия, Забайкальский край, Иркутская область
Notes of the Chita Department of the Priamursky Department of the Russian Geographical Society. Issue. 6. Folk medicinal herbs of Transbaikalia
Russian Geographical Society. Priamursky department. Chita branch. Notes of the Chita Department of the Priamursky Department of the Russian Geographical Society. Chita, 1896-1910, 1913.
Stukov, Georgy Andreevich. Issue. 6: Folk medicinal herbs of Transbaikalia. Chita: type. "Bergen and the Son of the Worker", 1905.Notes of the Chita Department of the Priamursky Department of the Russian Geographical Society. Issue. 8. Essay on the flora of the Eastern Transbaikalia
Russian Geographical Society. Priamursky department. Chita branch. Notes of the Chita Department of the Priamursky Department of the Russian Geographical Society. Chita, 1896-1910, 1913.
Stukov, Georgy Andreevich. Issue. 8: Essay on the flora of the Eastern Transbaikalia. Chita: printing house of MI Valov and IM Akhitovich, 1907.Proceedings of the Aginskoye Expedition. .... Issue. 4. The vegetable world
The Aginsk expedition. 1908. (1908). Proceedings of the Aginskoye Expedition. Irkutsk, 1910-1913.
Вып. 4: Vegetable world. 1910.