The Caucasus
The Caucasus
Materials of the Transcaucasian District for Elections to the Constituent Assembly of the Commission on the Election
All-Russian election commission for the Constituent Assembly (All-election).
Materials of the Transcaucasian District for Elections to the Constituent Assembly of the Commission on the Production of Elections.
Materials of the Transcaucasian District for Elections to the Constituent Assembly of the Commission on the Production of Elections.
Государственный архив Российской Федерации
Materials of the Kuban-Black Sea District Committee on Elections to the Constituent Assembly of the Election Commission
All-Russian election commission for the Constituent Assembly (All-election).
The materials of the Kuban-Black Sea District in the cases of elections to the constituent assembly of the commission on the election.
The materials of the Kuban-Black Sea District in the cases of elections to the constituent assembly of the commission on the election.
Государственный архив Российской Федерации
Materials of the Terek-Dagestan District in the cases of elections to the Constituent Assembly of the commission on the conduct of elections
All-Russian election commission for the Constituent Assembly (All-election).
Materials of the Terek-Dagestan District in the cases of elections to the Constituent Assembly of the commission on the production of elections.
Materials of the Terek-Dagestan District in the cases of elections to the Constituent Assembly of the commission on the production of elections.
Государственный архив Российской Федерации