Разработка стратегии развития социально-культурной сферы на основе механизмов проектного управления

Tarnovsky, Vladimir ViktorovichDevelopment of a strategy for the development of a socio-cultural sphere based on project management mechanisms: the abstract dis.... Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.05 / Tarnovsky Vladimir Viktorovich;[Protection site: South-Zap.StateUN-T].- Kursk, 2019. -24 s .. -.1. Power (collection).2. Economics and management of the national economy (by industry and fields of activity, including: Economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; Innovation management; Regional Economics; Logistics; Labor Economics; Economics of Population and Demography; Environmental Economics;ENTERPRISE ECONOMY; marketing; management; pricing; economic security; standardization and product quality management; land management; recreation and tourism).BBK 65.497Я031Source of electronic copy: UZGU.Site
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