To the 95 anniversary of the beginning by the First world and to the 70 anniversary of the beginning of the Second World War

16 July 2009
The state central museum of modern history of Russia opens on July, 16th an exhibition "And the world fire has flashed ", devoted to the 95 anniversary of the beginning by the First world and to the 70 anniversary of the beginning of the Second World War. The exhibition opens the muzejno-exhibition project "the 65 anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War" and is the contribution of a museum to counteraction to attempts falsification Russian history. Exhibition materials allow to see in a new light genesis of great wars of the XX-th century, the contradiction of world politics and formation of military-political blocks, to shed new light to the little-known facts, allowing to analyse the reasons and the beginning of world wars, their distinction and interrelation. At an exhibition unique photodocumentary materials from restricted-access collection GCMSIR, leading archives of the country are presented firstly. Among documents: emissary reports and inquiries on concentration of the German armies on borders of France and Russia, a report about preparation of armies from the Joint Staff of Russian army for 1914, documents with autographs of leaders of the at war states. First time the declassified documents are entered into a museum turn from Archive of the President of the Russian Federation, Istoriko-documentary department the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia about preparation and ratification of the pact of Molotova-Ribbentropa, the security information about strategic position of the European countries in case of war against Germany, I.V.Stalin and A.Gitler's correspondence in 1939, materials about preparation of dividing of Czechoslovakia and attack against Poland. The exhibition will have lasted till September, 19th, 2009.