Libraries and Society: IFLA Russia Regional Workshop "Global Vision" was held in Moscow

19 July 2017

July 14, 2017 the M. I. Rudomino All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature in Moscow hosted the IFLA Russia Regional Workshop "Global Vision", organized under the auspices of the Russian Library Association and the National Library Association "Libraries of the Future" with the aim of discussing the ways of developing libraries, identifying the main lines of fund formation, human resources and content of library activity.

The event was attended by the most active representatives of various Russian libraries. The meeting discussed issues facing the world library community: what libraries of the future should be alike, how libraries can help society to solve the problems facing it, and whether it is possible to create a single library space.

Participants of the meeting noted the importance and timeliness of the event. For Russian libraries, the #iflaGlobalVision project is a unique opportunity to unite, to discuss the acute problems of national library communities, to outline a development strategy and to include the opinion of Russian experts in the global discussion of the future of libraries.

The regional working meeting defined the five most popular answers to the questions posed by IFLA's Global Vision program. The joint work of various representatives of the Russian library community allowed all those present to feel themselves full participants in the world process, capable of developing a unified national position.

As a result of the meeting, the final report will be prepared and sent to IFLA. Similar material is collected in all countries of the world and will serve as the basis for the IFLA Global Vision Report, which will be published in early 2018.