Birthday anniversary of Alexander A. Alyabyev, famous Russian composer

15 August 1787

4 (15) August 1787, in the town of Tobolsk, into the family of ancestral nobles was born Alexander Alyabyev, famous Russian composer.

Alyabyev’s father served as vice-governor, patron of the local theater and orchestra. The future composer received a good education at home and from childhood was introduced to music lessons. In 1796 the family of Alyabyev moved to St. Petersburg where Alexander, at the age of 14, entered the service of mining department. At the same time he seriously study music with I. G. Miller, famous contrapuntist, who taught composition many Russian and foreign musicians. From 1804 Alyabyev lived in Moscow. In 1810 he published his first works, "The new French love song with piano accompaniment," two piano waltz written, he also wrote the first string quartet. These works are perhaps the earliest examples of Russian chamber instrumental and vocal music.

In 1812, the composer volunteered in a hussar regiment, and participated in many battles and actions of guerrilla groups. He was awarded the Order of St. Anne 3rd class "For Bravery", of St. Vladimir 4th class and the medal "In memory of the War of 1812." He ended the war in the rank of captain. In 1823 Alyabyev retired in the rank of lieutenant colonel.

From 1823 the composer had been living in Moscow, took an active part in the theatrical life. Together with A. N. Verstovsky and F. E. Scholz wrote the music for the prologue "Celebration of Muses" for the opening of the Bolshoi Theater, wrote music for a number of musical comedies, acted in amateur performances.

In early 1825 Alyabyev was arrested on suspicion of murder, and despite the failure to prove the charges, sentenced to exile in Siberia with the deprivation of all rights and noble titles. In 1828, after three years in the fortress, Alyabyev was sent to Tobolsk. There he organized a symphony orchestra of "Cossack music", directed symphonic and choral concerts, acted as a conductor and pianist. Well-known love songs of Alyabiev, published in the book "Northern Singer" (1828), and a number of orchestral works date to that period.

In 1832-1833 Alyabyev lived in the Caucasus, in 1833-1834 - in Orenburg and then in the Moscow Province. Keenly interested in the music of the peoples of Russia, composer wrote down Caucasian, Bashkir, Kyrgyz, Turkmen, Tatar folk songs, compiled and published the collected works, "Voices of Ukrainian Songs" (1834).

Only in 1843 Alyabyev received permission to live in Moscow, under the supervision of the police. Here he re-entered the theater environment, began to write music for dramatic productions.

Alyabyev’s activity coincided with the period of formation of Russian classical music. In his works he displayed a new system of feelings inherent in the art of the Decembrist era. Particularly noteworthy in this regard are vocal works of Alyabiev: he brought to the Russian romance the themes of civil sounding, ideas of patriotism, freedom. Vocal works are also closely connected with the traditions of Russian urban folklore of the early 19th century. In his "Russian Songs" he finely implemented the best traits of home song lyrics of Pushkin's time. Nation-wide popularity gained "The Nightingale" song (1826); the author of the text was A. A. Delvig. Sensitive and thoughtful artist, Alyabyev showed great attention to new phenomena of Russian poetry. He was one of the first interpreters of the poetry of Alexander Pushkin (love songs "If life deceives you," "I Loved You", "Alas, why it shines", "Awakening", etc.), Vasily Zhukovsky, A . A. Delvig, N. M. Yazykov, I. I. Kozlov, etc.

Special place in Alyabiev’ works belongs to love songs-monologues, related to the theme of loneliness, exile, hard wanderings: "Irtysh", "Evening Bells," "Winter Road". Created in the years of exile in Siberia, they were a kind of lyrical confession of the composer. Vividly implemented was the patriotic theme reflected in the songs of the 1830's. ("Songs of Bayan" to the text of Yazykov, etc.)

In the works of the 1840s Alyabyev addressed the subjects of social significance. In the the songs to the text of N. P. Ogarev ("Tavern", "Hut", "Village Watchman") and of P. Berenger ("Beggar"), he creates images of destitute, similar to the images in Russian literature of the time.

Enriching the subject area of the Russian romance, Alyabyev sought renewal of musical expression. He developed declamatory elements of vocal melody, increased expressive value of harmony and texture, made the piano part independent.

The extensive and varied works of Alyabyev covers various genres. In the field of stage music he is the author of six operas, the ballet "Magic Drum or Investigation of a Magic Flute", about 20 musical comedies. In theatrical music of 1820 - early 1840s the composer developed themes of world literature, turned to the works of Alexander Pushkin (music for theatrical dramatizations of the poem "Prisoner of the Caucasus", the drama "Mermaid") and of William Shakespeare ("The Tempest", "Magic Night" – based on the comedy "Dream of a Midsummer night ", music for the comedy "Merry Wives of Windsor "). Great place in his work belongs to instrumental works: overtures, symphonies, suites, marches and dances for symphony and spiritual orchestras, chamber instrumental ensembles.

Seriously ill, Alyabyev continued his creative work till his last day. Among his last works are songs to the text of the poet-democrat, N. P. Ogarev.

February 22 (March 3), 1851 Alexander Alyabyev died and was buried in Moscow's Simonovsky Monastery, in the family vault.

Alyabyev is one of the most prominent composers of the first half of the 19th century. Veteran of the Patriotic War and a friend of the Decembrists, he was able to express in his work the new, progressive aspirations of the Russian art of the time. His songs brought into the Russian music the theme of a great civic value, the ideas of freedom and patriotism. In his works he greatly deepened the psychological content of Russian musical art, displayed the rich world of senses of his contemporaries, their dream of an independent human being.

Lit: Большая Тюменская энциклопедия. Тюмень, 2004. Т. 1. А-З. С. 78-79; Горохов В. Симфония судьбы... // Град Тобольск. 2011. № 2. С. 34-35; Доброхотов Б. В. Александр Алябьев: Творческий путь. М., 1966; Дрозд Л. Северный певец // Тюменская старина. Тюмень, 2006. Т. 1. С. 134-137; Календарь знаменательных дат Тюменской области на 1997 год. Тюмень, 1997. С. 29-31; Куликова А. А. Герои Отечества: композитор Алябьев и другие. [Б. м.], 2003; Лазаревский А. Тобольский Россини // Югра. 2004. № 1. С. 66-71; Тимофеев Г. Н. А. А. Алябьев: очерк жизни и творчества. М.; Л., 1912; Штейнпресс Б. С. Алябьев в изгнании. М., 1959; Штейнпресс Б. С. Страницы из жизни Алябьева. М., 1956.

Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Большая энциклопедия / под ред. С. Н. Южакова. СПб., 1900. Т. 1. А — Арбросъ. С. 470;

Энциклопедический словарь / под ред. И. Е. Андреевского. СПб., 1890. Т. 1а. Алтай-Арагвай. С. 597.

The materials were provided by the Presidential Librarys branch in Tyumen Region