On this day

Birthday anniversary of Mikhail N. Speransky, literary historian, Slaves specialist

1 May 1863

April 19 (May 1) 1863, in the family of a military physician, was born Mikhail Nestorovich Speransky, historian of literature and theater, Slaves specialist, Byzantinologist, ethnographer, archaeographer, folklorist, professor at Moscow University (1907-1923), corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Imperial Academy of Sciences (from 1902), member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1921-1934).

Spring and Labor Holiday (May Day)

1 May 1992

In July of 1889 Paris congress of the 2nd International in memory of the protest action organized on May 1, 1886 by Chicago workers demanding eight hours working day (the strike and the demonstration grew into bloody skirmish with police) decided to establish the International Workers’ Day.