House of the Romanovs. 400 years. T. 1. Notation editions from the collection of the Russian National Library

House of the Romanovs. 400 years: [album-catalog] / Ros. nat. b-ka, the Presidential Library; [auth. and curator of the project: Bezuglov IF, Ph.D. art history; compiled by: Muzychuk TF]. - St. Petersburg: Presidential Library: National Library of Russia, 2013. - ISBN 978-5-8192-0444-3 (MFN). - ISBN 978-5-905273-33-9 (PB) .
I. Bezuglova, Irina Fedorovna (Candidate of Arts). II. Muzychuk, Tatyana Feodorovna. III. Russian National Library. IV. Presidential Library. B. N. Yeltsin (St. Petersburg). 1. Romanov dynasty (1613 - 1917) - Anniversary - 2013 - Catalogs.
ББК 63.214 (2) -16я43
Т. 1: Music editions from the collection of the Russian National Library. - 2013. - 560, [1] p. : color. yl. -
Pointers: p. 280-307. - ISBN 978-5-8192-0447-4 (MFN, Vol. 1). - ISBN 978-5-905273-34-6 (PB, v. 1) .
1. Russian National Library (St. Petersburg, city) - Collection of music editions - Catalogs. 2. Romanov dynasty (1613 - 1917) - Catalogs. 3. Power (collection). 4. The people (the collection). 5. House of the Romanovs (collection).
BBK 85.9y43
BBK 63.214 (2) -1y43
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the book:
ISBN 978-5-8192-0447-4
Publisher Президентская библиотека Российская национальная библиотека
Catalogue object