General section

General section

The Russian question. National crisis and democracy: the administrative and territorial structure of Russia

Zueva, Tatyana Feodorovna. The Russian question. National crisis and democracy: the administrative and territorial structure of Russia. St. Petersburg: A. Suvorin Publishing House of the Writers' Union of Russia, 1995.
Из частного собрания

Proceedings of the Commission on Studying the Tribal Composition of the Population of the USSR and Neighboring Countries. 1. Instructions for the compilation of tribal maps issued by the Commission for Studying the Tribal Composition of the Population of Russia

AN SSSR. Commission for Studying the Tribal Composition of the Population of the USSR and Neighboring Countries. Proceedings of the Commission on Studying the Tribal Composition of the Population of the USSR and Neighboring Countries. Leningrad: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1917-1930.
1: Instructions for compiling tribal maps published by the Commission for Studying the Tribal Composition of the Population of Russia. 1917.
