Политические партии России и СССР
Материалы по теме
The program of the Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party
The program of the Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party. Film Belgorod: The People's Will, [1917]. |
Legal regulation of the implementation of the principle of political diversity in contemporary Russian society
Proskvoryakova, Juliana Alexandrovna
Legal regulation of the implementation of the principle of political diversity in contemporary Russian society. Vladimir, 2004. |
Political pluralism and the formation of a multi-party system in the Russian Federation
Dudnikov, Evgeniy Viktorovich. Political pluralism and the formation of a multi-party system in the Russian Federation. Voronezh, 2011. |
Political parties in federal elections (on the example of the Duma election campaign in 2007 in the Tambov region)
Nikonenko, Sergey Andreevich. Political parties in federal elections (on the example of the Duma election campaign in 2007 in the Tambov region). Voronezh, 2011. |
The political program of the society "Zemsky Union"
Political program of the "Zemsky Soyuz" society. [Geneva: Ed. gas. "Free Word"], 1882. |
Correspondence by the St. Petersburg Central Committee "Union on October 17" with the Rostov and Taganrog branches of the Union, the area of the Donors' troops, on the organization of departments, the choice of governing bodies, their composition, meetings, the dissemination of party publications
Union October 17.Correspondence of the St. Petersburg Central Committee "Union October 17" with the Rostov and Taganrog branches of the Union, the area of the Donors' troops, on the organization of departments, the choice of governing bodies, their composition, meetings, the dissemination of party publications.
Party leadership of cultural construction in the West Siberian village during the Great Patriotic War
Biketov, Valery Alexandrovich Party leadership of cultural construction in the West Siberian village during the Great Patriotic War. Novosibirsk, 1989. |
The Party Underground in Ukraine (1941-1944)
Gorobets, Grigory Trofimovich
Party underground in Ukraine (1941-1944). M .: Thought, 1969. |
Party underground
Party underground. M .: Politizdat, 1983. |
Parties in the political space of modern Russia
Danilov, Mikhail Viktorovich
Parties in the political space of modern Russia. Saratov, 2003. |