Политические партии России и СССР
Материалы по теме
Manifesto and the program of the Party of Radical Socialists
The Party of Socialist Radicals. Manifesto and program of the Party of Radical Socialists. Moscow: Central Com. The Party of Socialist Radicals, 1917. |
Leaflets of the Stalingrad regional party organization 1942-1943.
Leaflets of the Stalingrad regional party organization 1942-1943. . Astrakhan: Stalingrad. Prince, 1943. |
Lenin and his party
Kamenev, Lev (1883 - 1936).Lenin and his party.Moscow: Red Virgin Soil, 1924.
The left and the beginning of the XX century: a paradigm shift
Samarskaya, Elena Aleksandrovna (Doctor of Political Science). Left beginnings and the end of the 20th century: the paradigm shift. Moscow, 2003. |
Who are such Mensheviks
Dimanstein, Semen Markovich.Who are the Mensheviks.Kharkov: Agitprop lips.com.KP (b) y, 1922.
Constitutional legal responsibility of political parties in the Russian Federation
Hertuev, Roman Yurievich. Constitutional legal responsibility of political parties in the Russian Federation. Tyumen, 2012. |
To the Rural Poor
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (1870-1924).For the rural poor.Geneva: typography League 1903.
History of the Communist Party in Russia and Lenin
Kamenev Lev (1883-1936).History of the Communist Party in Russia and Lenin.Kharkov: All-Ukrainian publishing house, 1920.
Internet technologies as a factor in increasing the effectiveness of political parties in Russia
Balashov, Andrei Nikolayevich. Internet technologies as a factor in increasing the effectiveness of political parties in Russia. Eagle, 2015. |
Institutionalization of political parties as a political and legal institution in modern Russia: (regional aspect)
Zimina, Natalia Vladimirovna
Institutionalization of political parties as a political and legal institution in modern Russia: (regional aspect). Chita, 2008. |