Политические партии России и СССР
Материалы по теме
Memorable book of a socialist-revolutionary. Issue. 1
Party of Socialist-Revolutionaries Memorable book of a socialist-revolutionary. Issue. 1. [Paris: B. and.], 1911-1914. 1911. |
The main tasks of the party under the NEP 1921-1923.
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (1870-1924).The main tasks of the party under the NEP 1921-1923 Moskva: Red Blood, 1924.
Public activity of Archpriest John Vostorgov
Strukov, Alexey Valerievich
Public activity of Archpriest John Vostorgov. Moscow, 2010. |
On Lenin
Stalin, Stalin (1879-1953).On Lenin.[Moscow]: publishing the Central Committee of Komsomol "Young Guard" 1937.
Our disagreements with the Socialist-Revolutionaries on the land issue
Our differences with the Socialist-Revolutionaries on the land issue. Tobolsk: Type. M. N. Kosturinoy, 1917. |
Nationalistic and patriotic components in the structure of the ideological discourse of the leading political parties of modern Russia
Kalinin, Vyacheslav Andreevich. Nationalistic and patriotic components in the structure of the ideological discourse of the leading political parties of modern Russia. Saratov, 2016. |
On the front of class battles
Korotkov, Gennady Andreevich (1905-1961).
On the front of class battles. Rubtsovsk, 1929. |
N. Lenin
Kamenev, Lev (1883 - 1936).N. Lenin.[Moscow] edition of the Moscow provincial union workers printing industry, 1920.
Multi-party system as the basis of the constitutional system of Russia
Volodina, Svetlana Vyacheslavovna (Candidate of Legal Sciences). Multi-party system as the basis of the constitutional system of Russia. Saratov, 2015. |
Multi-party system in modern Russia: the role of the state
Tolochko, Alexander Vladimirovich. Multi-party system in modern Russia: the role of the state. Voronezh, 2011. |