Политические партии России и СССР
Материалы по теме

The Union of October 17
The Union of October 17. The Union of October 17. |
Social Democracy and elections to the Duma
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (1870-1924).Social Democracy and elections to the Duma.S.-Petersburg: Book publishing house "New Duma", 1907.
Collection of programs of Russian political parties
Collection of programs of Russian political parties. Petrograd: the journal. "The Wanderer", 1917. |
The collection of programs of political parties in Russia
Collection of programs of political parties in Russia. Petrograd: The Liberated Russia, 1917. |
Growth and strengthening of rural party organizations in Eastern Siberia (1920-1925), the author's abstract of the thesis for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences
Andreev, Oleg Matveyevich
Growth and Strengthening of Rural Party Organizations of Eastern Siberia (1920-1925) thesis abstract for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences. Irkutsk, 1982. |
Decisions of the enlarged plenum of the Biysk District Committee and the District Control Commission of the CPSU (b)
VKP (b). Biysk District Committee. Plenum. Decisions of the enlarged plenum of the Biysk District Committee and the District Control Commission of the CPSU (b). Biysk: edition of the Biisk OK of the CPSU (B.), 1929. |
Decisions of the 5th Biysk District Conference of the CPSU (B.), May 24 - 30, 1930
VKP (b). Biysk District Conference. Decisions of the 5th Biysk District Conference of the CPSU (B.), May 24 - 30, 1930. Biysk: Type. Department of Local Economy, 1930. |
Implementation of the constitutional principle of political diversity in the Russian Federation
Frolov, Alexander Anatolievich. Implementation of the constitutional principle of political diversity in the Russian Federation. Chelyabinsk, 2011. |
Programs of Russian political parties
Programs of Russian political parties. Moscow: Type. AI Mamontova, 1917. |