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Museums of Russia: “The World of the Sholokhov Estate” exhibition to kick off in Rostov Region

15 April 2019
On April 15, 2019 the People’s House Exhibition Halls (the Sholokhov Museum Reserve, Vyoshenskaya stanitsa, Rostov Region) is staging “The World of the Sholokhov Estate” exhibition, which sheds light on the life of Mikhail Sholokhov in 1950–1980, his work over Fate of a Man story, the second book of Virgin Soil Upturned novel and They Fought for Their Country novel.
. А. Шолохова в 1950–1980 годы, его работе над рассказом «Судьба человека», второй книгой романа... М. А. Шолохова в 1950–1980 годы, его работе над рассказом «Судьба человека», второй книгой романа

The Presidential Library summed up "Alexander II: Two Centuries in the Memory of Russia" International Academic Conference

21 December 2018
The Presidential Library hosted a summary "Alexander II: Two Centuries in the Memory of Russia" International Conference. Marking 200th anniversary of the emperor, a whole cycle of events dedicated to the celebrated date was held at the Presidential Library. All of them make it possible to judge not only the scale of the reforms made by the Tsar Liberator, but also the character of his remarkable individual, as well as reflect on the paradoxes of his fate, the bitterness of which was balanced...
парадоксами его судьбы, горечь которой была уравновешена самыми выдающимися после Петра Первого... над парадоксами его судьбы, горечь которой была уравновешена самыми выдающимися после Петра Первого достижениями в истории Отечества.

Schoolchildren presented book exhibition dedicated to Mikhail Lomonosov in the Presidential library

22 March 2019
Today, March 22, 2019, an unusual exhibition and presentation was held at the Presidential Library, prepared by young students of educational institutions of St. Petersburg on the eve of the anniversary St. Petersburg International Educational Forum. It summed up the school project on the history of the book and typography “Books have their own destiny: the history of the book in the biographies of Mikhail Lomonosov of the XVIII – XXI centuries”.
по истории книги и типографского дела «Книги имеют свою судьбу: история книги в биографиях М... судьбу: история книги в биографиях М. В. Ломоносова XVIII–XXI вв.», разработали «Академия талантов... по истории книги и типографского дела «Книги имеют свою судьбу: история книги в биографиях М. В. Ломоносова XVIII–XXI вв.».

History and Culture: The exhibition “On the Wondrous Mountain…”, dedicated to the Trinity Cathedral, presented in Uglich

8 August 2022
The exhibition On the Wondrous Mountain…, presented by the Uglich State History, Architecture and Art Museum, is dedicated to the Trinity Cathedral, located in the Divnaya Gora (Wondrous Mountain) village “eight versts from Uglich”. It tells about the history of construction of the incredible church, uniting in itself various architectural styles, about its exterior and interior, as well as the fate of Divnogorsky poustyn in the XVIII-XXI centuries.
, а также о судьбе Дивногорской пустыни в XVIII–XXI вв. Дивногорская пустынь, основанная в 1674 году... храма, соединившего в себе различные архитектурные стили, его внешнего и внутреннего оформления, а также о судьбе Дивногорской пустыни в XVIII–XXI вв.

Presidential Library and Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus signed cooperation agreement

3 October 2024
On October 3, 2024, during the II Forum of the Union State Russia and Belarus: Common History, Common Destiny, which was held in Kaliningrad, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Presidential Library of the Administrative Directorate of the Russian Federation and the State Scientific Institution Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
история, общая судьба», который проходит в Калининграде, было заключено соглашение о сотрудничестве... история, общая судьба», который проходит в Калининграде, было заключено соглашение о сотрудничестве

Presidential Library develops cooperation with Association of Schools of Russian Federation and Republic of Belarus

3 October 2024
On October 3, 2024, in Kaliningrad, as part of the II Union State Forum Russia and Belarus: A Common History, A Common Future, a trilateral cooperation agreement was signed between the Presidential Library of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation, the Center for International Cooperation under the Ministry of Education of Russia, which is the founding member of the Association of Russian and Belarusian Schools, and F. Skariny Gymnasium No. 1 in Minsk, also a...
: общая история, общая судьба», состоялось подписание трёхстороннего соглашения о сотрудничестве между...: общая история, общая судьба», состоялось подписание трёхстороннего соглашения о сотрудничестве между

Alexander Menshikov. "He quickly learned the essence of any new business; he did not know the impossible"

16 November 2020
On November 16 (6 old style), November 1673, the future Russian statesman and military leader, favorite and associate of the reformer Tsar Peter I, the first St. Petersburg Governor-General Alexander Menshikov (1673-1729), was born in Moscow. The electronic reading room of the Presidential Library contains a number of research papers dedicated to him, as well as archival documents.
“, поражающих воображение необычайностью своих судеб, – самым блестящим и популярным является... документов. «Необыкновенные превратности в судьбе этого деятеля сами по себе так интересны... счастья“, поражающих воображение необычайностью своих судеб, – самым блестящим и популярным является

The electronic collection "Family Chronicle of War" replenished on the website of the Kemerovo Regional Research Library

15 May 2019
Employees of the Kemerovo Regional Center of the Presidential Library, operating on the basis of the Fyodorov Kemerovo Regional Research Library, continue to work on the project "Family Chronicle of War", launched in 2015. The project is dedicated to the victory of our country in the Great Patriotic War, where the events of those years are considered through the history of human destinies.
, в котором события тех лет рассматриваются через историю человеческих судеб. В 2018 году... войне, в котором события тех лет рассматриваются через историю человеческих судеб.

Russian regions: Exhibition, timed to the 100th anniversary of Society for the study of the Kama region, in Udmurtia

17 March 2013
The Museum of History and Culture of the Kama region (Sarapul, Udmurtia) opened the exhibition “Diagnosis: ethnographer.
-летию со дня рождения Фёдора Васильевича Стрельцова – человека с удивительной судьбой - врача...-летию со дня рождения Фёдора Васильевича Стрельцова – человека с удивительной судьбой - врача

The Presidential Library’s virtual tour to illustrate historical meetings of the leaders of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain

4 February 2023
The Presidential Library provides access to a virtual tour of the exhibition "Eureka" and "The Island": Tehran-43 and Yalta-45. History of Landmark Decisions” illustrating two historical meetings of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill, which determined the outcome of World War II and the post-war structure of the world.
, Рузвельта и Черчилля, на которой определялась судьба мира после завершения Второй мировой войны. Узнать... развитие послевоенного мирового порядка и сферы влияния, обсуждали вопросы о судьбе военных преступников..., Рузвельта и Черчилля, на которой определялась судьба мира после завершения Второй мировой войны. Узнать

International events: New cultural project launched to the 200th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations of Russia and Switzerland in Yekaterinburg

28 November 2014
In the year of the 200th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Switzerland at the site of the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum (Yekaterinburg) opened an international exhibition project "Switzerland and Russia. Onesimus Claire".
«Швейцария–Россия. Онисим Клер», раскрывающий историю партнёрства двух стран через призму судьбы уроженца... «Швейцария–Россия. Онисим Клер», раскрывающий историю партнёрства двух стран через призму судьбы

To the 100th anniversary of the Revolution of 1917: The exhibition "Gatchina.1917" in the Leningrad region

16 November 2017
In the year of the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution, the Gatchina Museum-Reserve and the State Museum of Political History of Russia (St. Petersburg) present the exhibition "Gatchina.1917" from November 16, 2017. In the exhibition halls of the Arsenal square, the story of the Gatchina Palace is told in the context of political and social upheavals of revolutionary times: about the fate of the imperial family, about the political struggle, about how the palace became a museum, about...
и социальных потрясений революционного времени: о судьбах императорской семьи, о политической борьбе... и социальных потрясений революционного времени: о судьбах императорской семьи, о политической борьбе, о том, как дворец стал музеем, о жизни Гатчины в 1917 г. 

The Presidential Library’s virtual tour presents church relics and their custodians

14 June 2020
How people managed to preserve unique church relics over the centuries, why the need to create the first church museums emerged, how their fate developed in different periods of our country's history, who stood at the origins of this large and important undertaking - the visitor of the Presidential Library’s portal will be able to find answers to these questions thanks to a virtual tour of the exhibition “Keeping Orthodox faith: the history of church museums. Marking the 1030th anniversary of...
необходимость создания первых церковных музеев, как складывалась их судьба в разные периоды истории нашей... необходимость создания первых церковных музеев, как складывалась их судьба в разные периоды истории нашей

The victory in the Battle on the Ice faced off the threat of losing the sovereignty of Russia

5 April 2020
On April 5, 1242 a decisive battle took place between the German crusaders and the Russian squad, led by Prince Alexander Nevsky, who rebuffed the enemy on the ice of Lake Peipsi near Voronny Stone; it went down in history as the Battle on the Ice.
в противостоянии с немецкими рыцарями во многом предрешила судьбу России. Всё, что предпринимал князь... в противостоянии с немецкими рыцарями во многом предрешила судьбу России.

Presidential Library invites to meet with Krusenstern

27 July 2019
On Saturday, July 27, 2019, at 11:00 the Presidential Library welcomes "urban romantics" and all those interested in history, geography and travel to the Senate Square, 3 building. On the eve of the Navy Day of the Russian Federation and in the framework of the recently launched cycle of Saturday's meetings, the open public lecture “Compose dreams!”, organized jointly with the Central Naval Library, will take place in the library. It will be dedicated to the fate of Admiral Ivan Fedorovich...
военно-морской библиотекой. Он будет посвящён судьбе адмирала Ивана Фёдоровича Крузенштерна, 250... с Центральной военно-морской библиотекой. Он будет посвящён судьбе адмирала Ивана Фёдоровича Крузенштерна, 250-летие которого будет отмечаться в следующем году.

Society and Culture: Exhibition devoted to Alexander Grin to open in Feodosia

2 November 2019
On November 2, 2019 the Grin Feodosia Literary Memorial Museum (the Republic of Crimea) is presenting a small exhibition “Four Good, Best, Happy Years”. It commemorates the 95th anniversary of Alexander Grin’s move to Feodosia. In the spotlight of the exhibition is a house, where the writer was happy. It was there that he wrote the novels The Golden Chain, She Who Runs on the Waves, Jessie and Morgiana, The Road to Nowhere, two short novels, and about forty stories.
, где писатель был обласкан судьбой и где были написаны романы «Золотая цепь», «Бегущая по волнам..., где писатель был обласкан судьбой и где были написаны романы «Золотая цепь», «Бегущая по волнам

The Volgograd Regional Center of the Presidential Library visited by activists of the movement "Volunteer company "Combat Brotherhood"

21 December 2020
December 17, 2020 the Gorky Volgograd Regional Universal Scientific Library for the activists of the Volgograd Regional Branch of the All-Russian volunteer public movement "For patriotic, spiritual and moral education of youth" Volunteer company "Combat Brotherhood"" hosted a tour around the exposition “Duty and Fate: Military Experts in the Service of the Republic of Soviets (marking centenary anniversary of the Civil War in Russia)” and the familiarity with the electronic resources of the...
Братства“» состоялась экскурсия по выставке-инсталляции «„Долг и судьба“: военспецы на службе Республики... Президентской библиотеки. Экспозиция «„Долг и судьба“: военспецы на службе Республики Советов (к 100-летию... Братства“» состоялась экскурсия по выставке-инсталляции «„Долг и судьба“: военспецы на службе

The Presidential Library portrays Nicholas II

18 May 2023
May 18, 2023 marks the 155th anniversary of the birth of Emperor Nicholas II - a man about whom historians still argue and who Orthodox Christians pray to. He himself seemed to have a premonition of a tragic fate and never for a moment left the superstitious fear that if he was destined to be born on the day of St. Job the Long-suffering, then his family was destined to suffer.
предчувствовал трагическую судьбу и ни на минуту не оставлял суеверного опасения, что если суждено... было родиться в день святого Иова Многострадального, то ему на роду написано страдать. О судьбе... предчувствовал трагическую судьбу и ни на минуту не оставлял суеверного опасения, что если суждено

The Presidential Library presents collections dedicated to the Great Patriotic War

9 May 2024
"It is customary to say that the war left a deep mark on the history of every family. Behind these words are the fates of millions of people, their suffering and the pain of loss. Pride, truth and memory," says the President of he Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in his article "75 years of the Great Victory: Shared Responsibility to History and the Future." The Head of State draws attention to the fact that, analyzing the causes that led to the world war, reflecting on its complex events,...
«Принято говорить: война оставила глубокий след в истории каждой семьи. За этими словами – судьбы... – судьбы миллионов людей, их страдания и боль потерь. Гордость, правда и память», – говорит Президент
