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To the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory: The opening of the virtual exhibition “Sacred Pages of War” in Birobidzhan

12 March 2015
March 11, 2015 in the Birobidzhan Regional Scientific Library took place the opening the virtual exhibition “Sacred Pages of War”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the great Victory.
Биробиджанской епархии. Листая электронные страницы газеты «Биробиджанская звезда» 1941-1945 годов... выставки «Войны священные страницы», посвящённой 70-летию Великой Победы. Выставка включает в себя... электронные копии страниц областной газеты «Биробиджанская звезда» 1941-1945 годов, отражающие..., передовые, хранящие историческую память о героическом периоде нашей страны и Еврейской автономной области... выставки «Войны священные страницы», посвящённой 70-летию Великой Победы. ...К 70-летию Великой Победы: Открытие виртуальной выставки «Войны священные страницы» в Биробиджане

Museums of Russia: The Moscow State Darvin Museum is featuring the “Flipping through the pages of history” exhibition on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of museum’s foundation

8 August 2017
Starting from August 8, 2017, the State Darwin Museum (Moscow), presents “Flipping through the pages of history” photo exhibition timed to the 110th anniversary of museum’s establishment.
Государственный Дарвиновский музей (Москва) с 8 августа 2017 года представляет фотовыставку «Листая... страницы истории» к 110-летию со дня своего основания. На выставке посетители смогут заглянуть... «Листая страницы истории» к 110-летию со дня своего основания. На выставке посетители смогут...Музеи России: Государственный Дарвиновский музей (Москва) представляет фотовыставку «Листая страницы истории» к 110-летию со дня своего основания

Memory of Russia: Military and Historical Festival "Living Pages of History" to hold in Samara

2 October 2020
Samara hosts the Military and Historical Festival "Living Pages of History" on October 2-4, 2020.
Военно-исторический фестиваль «Ожившие страницы истории» проводится в Самаре 2-4 октября 2020 года...Военно-исторический фестиваль «Ожившие страницы истории» проводится в Самаре 2-4 октября 2020 года. ...Память России: Военно-исторический фестиваль «Ожившие страницы истории» проводится в Самаре

Memory Russia: Exhibition "New pages of landing" to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Kerch Peninsula in Feodosia

28 December 2016
December 28, 2016 in the Grand Exhibition Hall of the Feodosia Museum of Antiquities was opened the exhibition "New pages of landing".
выставка «Новые страницы десанта». Выставка посвящена 75-летию Керченско-Феодосийской десантной операции... выставка «Новые страницы десанта». Выставка посвящена 75-летию Керченско-Феодосийской десантной операции...Память России: Выставка «Новые страницы десанта» к 75-летию Керченско-Феодосийской десантной операции в Феодосии

Memory of Russia: Participants of International Readings in Sebezh discussed pages of history of the Patriotic war of 1812

30 June 2012
June 27, international historical and local lore readings “Pages of History of the Patriotic war of 1812 of border regions of Russia, Latvia, and Belarus” opened in Sebezh.
27 июня в Себеже открылись международные историко-краеведческие чтения «Страницы истории...», «Россонщина в 1812 году: события, судьбы, память», «Бой при Свольно», «Псковичи- участники войны 1812...27 июня в Себеже открылись международные историко-краеведческие чтения «Страницы истории...Память России: Страницы истории Отечественной войны 1812 года обсудили участники международных чтений в Себеже

Memory of Russia: Exhibition "Leonid Govorov, Commander of the Leningrad Front. Pages of History" presented at the State Memorial Museum of Defence and Siege of Leningrad

8 September 2021
The State Memorial Museum of Defence and Siege of Leningrad launched the exhibition "Leonid Govorov, Commander of the Leningrad Front. Pages of History", devoted to the outstanding general who became a prominent figure for the city on the Neva.
. А. Говоров: страницы истории», посвящённая выдающемуся полководцу, ставшему знаковой фигурой для города.... А. Говоров: страницы истории», посвящённая выдающемуся полководцу, ставшему знаковой фигурой для города на Неве. ...Память России: Выставка «Командующий Ленинградским фронтом Л. А. Говоров: страницы истории» представлена в Музее обороны и блокады Ленинграда

The Memory of Russia: Virtual tour around Daniil Granin’s sites and a webpage dedicated to the writer to appear in St. Petersburg to mark the centenary of his birth

5 July 2018
Historians, writers, artists, directors, authorities and residents of St. Petersburg commemorated the writer Daniil Granin, who died at the age of 98 last year, on July 4 2017.
горожане почтили память ленинградского писателя Даниила Александровича Гранина, скончавшегося на 99-м... (РНБ) приступили к созданию интернет-страницы, посвящённой юбилею Даниила Гранина, который многие... горожане почтили память ленинградского писателя Даниила Александровича Гранина, скончавшегося на 99-м году жизни год назад, 4 июля 2017 года. ...Память России: Виртуальная экскурсия по местам Даниила Гранина и интернет-страница, посвящённая

Чеченская Республика: страницы истории

Дагестан, Республика: страницы истории

Republic of Buryatia: Pages of History

1 June 2017
The collection features research studies, essays, documents, statistical publications of the XIX–XXI centuries, archival and cartographic materials of the XVIII–XX centuries, and contemporary legislative acts that reveal demographic, ethnographic, socio-political and socio-economic aspects of the history of Buryatia and the Buryat people, including the period of the Buryat-Mongol ASSR and modern Republic of Buryatia as part of the Russian Federation.
Республика Бурятия: страницы истории

Primorye Territory: Pages of History

1 June 2017
The collection features official and archival documents, research papers, essays, statistical, cartographic and visual materials that spotlight the geographical, demographic, socio-economic and socio-political aspects of the history of Primorye Territory and its current state.
Приморский край: страницы истории

Orel Region: pages of history

1 June 2017
A selection includes the researches, essays, reviews and reports, archival documents, visual and audio materials, which reflect certain aspects of socio-economic, socio-political and cultural development of the Orel Region during a period of the XVI − the middle of XX century. The current statutes of the Orel Region and the city of Orel are also presented.
Орловская область: страницы истории

Tuva Republic (Turan): pages of history

1 June 2017
The selection includes the researches, archival documents, visual and audio sources, reflecting the socio-economic, political and cultural aspects of the history of the Republic of Tuva. The current Constitution of the Republic of Tuva is included as well.
Республика Тыва: страницы истории

Krasnoyarsk Territory: pages of history

1 June 2017
The collection includes official documents, studies, essays, sources of reference and statistical publications, cartographic materials, archival documents and sound recordings related to the history of acquisition and the certain aspects of development of the territories, which are currently making the Krasnoyarsk Krai.
Красноярский край: страницы истории

Chelyabinsk Region: Pages of History

1 June 2017
The collection includes official documents, archival materials, studies, essays, statistical, pictorial, cartographic and other materials covering the administrative structure, geographical location, demographic, economic, socio-political, socio-cultural and other aspects of the history of the Chelyabinsk region.
Челябинская область: страницы истории

Republic of Khakassia: pages of history

1 June 2017
The set of materials includes researches, archival documents and sound recordings, which reflect some aspects of socio-economic, socio-political and cultural development of the Republic of Khakassia and Khakass ethnos, as well as studies of territory in the region. There is also the current Constitution of the Republic of Khakassia.
Республика Хакасия: страницы истории

Samara Region : Pages of History

1 June 2017
The selection features the studies, archival documents, photographs, postcards, maps and drafts, revealing the geographical, socio-economic, socio-political and cultural aspects of the history of the Samara Oblast in period from the middle XIX − the middle XX centuries. The Statute of the Samara Oblast is also presented.
Самарская область: страницы истории

Republic of Karelia: Pages of History

1 June 2017
The collection contains archival materials of the 19th-20th centuries, pre-revolutionary, Soviet and contemporary scientific studies, statistical publications and periodicals, historical legislative acts and those, which are currently in force, cartographic and visual materials, which spotlight geographical characteristics, administrative and socio-economic situation of the territories, which are constituent parts of the Republic of Karelia today, as well as the demography and ethnic...
Республика Карелия: страницы истории

Moscow Region: pages of history

1 June 2017
The selection which includes official, statistic, topographic, cartographic and other materials, reflects particular aspects of life in the Moscow Province from ancient times to the early 20th century. The mini-collection also includes the current Charter of the Moscow Region.
Московская область: страницы истории

Republic of Crimea: pages of history

1 June 2017
The selection includes studies, essays, archival documents, photographs and other materials that introduce the administrative, socio-economic, socio-political and cultural development of the peninsula since the earliest times to the beginning of the XX century.
Республика Крым: страницы истории

Rostov Region: pages of history

1 June 2017
Featured selection includes the research, statistical materials, archival documents, cartographic and audio materials, reflecting the socio-economic and political aspects of the history of the Rostov Region in the XVII-XX centuries. The effective Charter of Rostov Region is included as well.
Ростовская область: страницы истории

Ryazan Region: Pages of History

1 June 2017
The collection includes official documents, archival materials, studies, essays, audio and video recordings, statistic, reference, cartographic, visual materials etc, which spotlight the administrative structure, geographical characteristics, socio-economic, socio-political and cultural development of Ryazan Region from the time when an independent principality emerged to the present day.
Рязанская область: страницы истории

Tver Region: pages of history

1 June 2017
The selection includes archival documents, essays, studies, statistics, photographs of the early 19th - early 20th centuries covering demographic, geographic, socio-economic, socio-political and other aspects of the history of the Tver Region. It also shows the current Statute of the Tver Region.
Тверская область: страницы истории

Смоленская область: страницы истории
