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The Presidential Library takes part in the All-Russian Reader's Campaign “Let us hug a Child with a Book!”
29 April 2020
The Presidential Library is an informational partner of the All-Russian Reader's Campaign “Let us hug a Child with a Book!” The event is held by the Association of School Librarians of the Russian World with the support of the All-Russian public-state organization “Union of Women of Russia” and the company “Direct-Media”.
) при поддержке Общероссийской общественно-государственной организации «Союз женщин России... (РШБА) при поддержке Общероссийской общественно-государственной организации «Союз женщин России» и компании «Директ-Медиа».
International events: Russian-Austrian Youth Creative Forum to kick off in Vienna
3 October 2019
On October 3–4, 2019 the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Federal Chancellery and the Ministry for Family Affairs, Women, and Youth of the Republic of Austria are holding the Russian-Austrian Youth Creative Forum in Vienna. The event has brought together young culture professionals, artists and students of the arts universities from Russia and Austria. The program includes presentation sessions, roundtable discussions and workshops.
Федерального канцлера и Министерством по делам женщин, семьи и молодёжи Австрийской Республики проводят в Вене... Федерального канцлера и Министерством по делам женщин, семьи и молодёжи Австрийской Республики проводят
World Memory: Project for the monument to female partisans in France presented
25 April 2019
The monument Rodina (Motherland) that will perpetuate the memory of the only ever fully female partisan unit Rodina will be erected in France. The unit consisted of 37 women from the Soviet Union, a third of them were Belarusians. Together with women from European countries they escaped from Herouville concentration camp. The project for the monument was presented in the Belarusian Embassy in Russia.
партизанского отряда — единственного, в состав которого входили одни женщины. Среди них было тридцать семь... партизанского отряда — единственного, в состав которого входили одни женщины. Среди них было тридцать
World history: The exhibition dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the flight into space of Valentina Tereshkova in Saint-Petersburg
14 June 2013
June 14, 2013 in the New Building of the National Library of Russia (Saint-Petersburg) opens the book-illustrative exhibition “The first. To the 50th anniversary of the space flight of the first woman cosmonaut in the world Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova (June 16, 2013)”.
книжно-иллюстративная выставка «Первая. К 50-летию полёта в космос первой в мире женщины-космонавта...) открывается книжно-иллюстративная выставка «Первая. К 50-летию полёта в космос первой в мире женщины
To the International Women's Day: An exhibition representing a retrospective of women's magazines of the first half of the XX century is opened in Moscow
8 March 2018
Gallery "On Kashirka" (Moscow) invites to the exhibition "Irreplaceable power. Woman on the magazine cover", dedicated to the International Women's Day. The exposition included women's magazines of the 1910s-1960s from the collection of Moscow bibliophiles Alexei and Sergei Vengerov, as well as clothing, accessories and jewelry from the collection of the Fashion Museum.
Галерея «На Каширке» (Москва) приглашает на выставку «Несменяемая власть. Женщина на журнальной... и украшения из коллекции Музея моды.
Все экспонаты рассказывают о повседневной жизни женщин, занятиях...Галерея «На Каширке» (Москва) приглашает на выставку «Несменяемая власть. Женщина на журнальной
Maslenitsa “made people forget about winter…”
1 March 2020
This year Butter week will run from February 24 to March 1. Since ancient times, people have loved Maslenitsa, waited it and called it “honest”, “wide”, “loose”. Interesting facts about the most outstanding holidays in Russia are illustrated in unique publications, digital copies of which are available on the Presidential Library’s portal.
глазом… не с улыбкой на устах, но с хохотом. Она заставила человека забыть о зиме, разогрела зазябшую... глазом… не с улыбкой на устах, но с хохотом. Она заставила человека забыть о зиме, разогрела
The Presidential Library rarities tell about young years of the Russian Empress Catherine the Great
2 May 2018
May 2, 2018 marks the 289th anniversary of the birth of the Russian Empress Catherine the Great. Visitors of the Presidential Library portal can get familiar with unique publications, documents, research and other materials that were included in the collection dedicated to the Empress and became part of the large-scale electronic collection "The House of Romanov. Zemsky Sobor of 1613". Some of them tell about young years of the Empress.
В. А. Бильбасова, «умная, энергическая, весёлая и как все умные люди честолюбивая» женщина. Кстати.... Выражение лица ея не было красиво, но очень приятно, причём открытый взгляд и любезная улыбка делали всю ея
Memories of Leningraders to mark the Great Victory Day available on the Presidential Library’s portal
9 May 2023
“Each of us will remember this day for the rest of our lives and very accurately: its simple, unique little things, all its unprecedented, great joys...”, - wrote the poetess Olga Bergholz, who was called the “voice of besieged Leningrad”, in the Leningradskaya Pravda newspaper for May 10, 1945.
тихими, когда ещё не появились первые трамваи, улицы оживились, стали людны. Незнакомые улыбками... в память о его доблестных воинах и его верных мужчинах, женщинах и детях, которые, будучи..., что я сказала: „Как ты плохо одета“. В моей памяти она сохранила образ женщины в красивом
Trams and trolleybuses in the city on the Neva: the Presidential Library honored the winners of the Children's Drawing Contest
30 August 2019
Elephants on tram rails and women in outlandish costumes on the streets of St. Petersburg became the main characters in the drawings of the participants of the VI Trams and Trolleybuses in the City on the Neva Contest. The results of the creative contest were traditionally summed up on the eve of the new academic year, on August 29, 2019, at the official award ceremony at the Museum of Urban Electric Transport with the participation of the Presidential Library.
Слоны на трамвайных рельсах и женщины в диковинных костюмах на улицах Санкт-Петербурга – именно...Слоны на трамвайных рельсах и женщины в диковинных костюмах на улицах Санкт-Петербурга – именно
Birth of Alexander Vasilyevich Chayanov, Economist, Sociologist, Writer
29 January 1888
Alexander Vasilyevich Chayanov was born on January 17 (29), 1888 in Moscow. His father was a peasant from Vladimir Governorate, who later engaged in entrepreneurship. His mother came from the burghers of Vyatka, was in the first group of women who graduated from the Petrovsky Agricultural and Forestry Academy. Alexander Chayanov received primary education at home. He continued his studies at the private real school of K. P. Voskresensky. From 1906 to 1911, he attended the Moscow Agricultural...
, была в первой группе женщин, окончивших Петровскую земледельческую и лесную академию. А. В. Чаянов получил..., была в первой группе женщин, окончивших Петровскую земледельческую и лесную академию. А. В. Чаянов
Commemorative Dates of Russia: An exhibition timed to coincide with the 125th anniversary of Anastasia Tsvetaeva’s birth mounted in Moscow
20 August 2019
The 125th anniversary of Anastasia Tsvetaeva’s birth is marked this year. On August 20, 2019 the Tsvetaeva House Museum in Moscow is presenting the exhibition “The Many Faces of Asya”: Character, Life and Work of Anastasia Tsvetaeva”. It is dedicated to this wonderful person: sister of the great poet, talented writer, memoirist, “witness of the century”, a fragile but strong-willed woman, who showed enormous strength of character in times of hardship.
, мемуаристке, «свидетелю века», хрупкой женщине с волевым характером, проявившей в тяжких жизненных..., мемуаристке, «свидетелю века», хрупкой женщине с волевым характером, проявившей в тяжких жизненных испытаниях несокрушимую силу духа.
Memorable dates of Russia: “Durova 2012” exhibition devoted to the 200th anniversary of Russian victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 opened in Udmurtia
2 June 2012
As a part of the Year of Russian history, celebration of the 1150th anniversary of the birth of Russian statehood and the 200th anniversary of the victory of Russia in the war of 1812 and the Year of Udmurtia Armory Fame, the Museum of History and Culture of the Middle Kama (Sarapul, Udmurtia) opens the exhibition "Durova 2012", devoted to Nadezhda A. Durova - the first Russian woman- officer, known as a "cavalry girl."
Надежде Андреевне Дуровой – первой в России женщине – офицеру, известной как «кавалерист-девица».
Н... Надежде Андреевне Дуровой – первой в России женщине – офицеру, известной как «кавалерист-девица».
Recent acquisitions of the Presidential Library collections from the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra
22 October 2018
The State Library of Yugra has provided the following edition: Man and woman: their mutual relations and the position they occupy in modern cultural life: [in 3 volumes]: collective work where they took part: prof. T. Achelis, V. Belchet, I. Bloch, Borinsky, Lily Brown, Y. Weiss, et al. / authors’ translation from Germanedited by professor A. S. Dogel and others. V. 3 / translated by M. A. Engelhardt. St. Petersburg, 1911. XI, [1], 492 p., 13 p.: illustrated.
Государственная библиотека Югры предоставила следующее издание:
Мужчина и женщина : их взаимные...Государственная библиотека Югры предоставила следующее издание:
Мужчина и женщина
History and culture: The exhibition dedicated to the life of Leo Tolstoy’s granddaughter in the Museum-Estate “Yasnaya Polyana”
10 April 2016
April 8, 2016 at the Museum-Estate of Leo Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana" (the Tula region) was opened the exhibition "If burn so burning…" dedicated to the life of an outstanding woman, granddaughter of Leo Tolstoy, the last wife of Sergey Yesenin - Sophia Andreyevna Tolstaya-Yesenina.
выставка «Коль гореть, так уж гореть, сгорая…», посвящённая жизни выдающейся женщины, внучки Льва Толстого... выставка «Коль гореть, так уж гореть, сгорая…», посвящённая жизни выдающейся женщины, внучки Льва
Marking 80th anniversary of breaking of the siege of Leningrad. The way the city was liberated
17 January 2023
From January 18, 1943 to January 27, 1944. A little more than a year separated the breakthrough of the Nazi siege from the complete liberation of Leningrad. Recollections of Leningrad residents are available in the Presidential Library’s materials. Quotes from the memoirs and diaries of residents of besieged Leningrad can be used to record videos and post them on social media pages with the hashtag #proryv80 as part of the Breakthrough 80 online relay. The project is being implemented by the...
поняли, что это наши войска двинулись на прорыв под Ленинградом. В мастерской собрались женщины... огоньки фейерверка. Они освещали людей, на лицах которых были улыбки счастья и слёзы. На следующий