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Digital libraries: “Historical Jewish Press” project unveiled

17 January 2011
A new project called “Historical Jewish Press” initiated jointly by the National Library of Israel and Tel Aviv University was launched in late December 2010.  
и выходившая до 1996 года; «Ха-Цви», основанная Элиэзером Бен-Иегудой, который воссоздал живой иврит

History of Russia abroad: Russia and France remember World War I

18 June 2011
On June 21 during the official visit of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to France Paris is launching a solemn opening ceremony of the monument to Russian Expeditionary Corps.
авторами – Марселой Ферарю и Сергеем Зайцевым. Предполагается живое и эмоционально обсуждение фильмов

World history: Exhibition “Soviet prisoners of war in Norway. 1941-1945” in Saint-Petersburg

8 October 2013
From 8 to 27 October 2013 at the State Museum of Political History of Russia (Saint-Petersburg) as part of the Nordic Week is held the exhibition “Soviet prisoners of war in Norway” dedicated to the tragic pages in the history of relations between the two countries.
в последние годы с оставшимися в живых бывшими военнопленными. В предисловии к каталогу выставки, изданному

Commemorative Dates of Russia: “250th Anniversary of Ivan Krylov’s Birth” exhibition staged in St. Petersburg

15 February 2019
“Raznochinny Petersburg” Museum (St. Petersburg) presents a mini exhibition dedicated to the 250th anniversary of birth of the great fabulist Ivan Krylov. The exhibition, which is part of the “Anniversary Wreath” cycle, has been staged in the Ulyanov Memorial Apartment.
из первых их публикаций - учебную хрестоматию «Живое слово», изданную в 1910 году.

History and Culture: The Suzdal Kremlin presents “The Golden Gate Miracle” exhibition

9 March 2019
The Suzdal Kremlin (The Vladimir-Suzdal Museum Reserve) presents “The Golden Gate Miracle” exhibition, which will be open through April 3, 2019. The centerpiece of the exhibition is an icon dating from the late 19th century from the collection of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum Reserve.
всех живыми и здоровыми. И это чудо все видели и дивились». На представленной на выставке иконе

The Presidential Library provides online broadcasting of films and lectures about the besieged Leningrad

7–11 September 2020
The Presidential Library’s portal from Monday to Friday in Live broadcasts section provides broadcasting of films, video lectures and tours prepared by the Presidential Library, as well as by leading film studios of the country.
; видеолекция «Живое слово Л. Н. Толстого: языковые инновации писателя». Вряд ли оставит кого

Memorable dates of Russia: An exhibition from the collections of the Pushkin Reserve dedicated to the 350th anniversary of Peter the Great "Peter and Pushkin" opened in Pskov Region

20 May 2022
The exhibition project of the Pushkin Reserve "Peter and Pushkin" has been opened in the museum-estate "Petrovskoye" (Pskov Region). The exhibition is dedicated to the 350th anniversary of the birth of Peter I. Its purpose is to show the interpretation of the image of Peter I and his era in the context of Pushkin's works by means of visual means.
лиц благодаря умению увидеть в пушкинских персонажах живых людей во всей их портретной убедительности

Ivan Durov, Russian ethnographer, local historian, and folklorist was born

24 July 1894
Ivan Matveyevich Durov, Russian ethnographer, local historian, and folklorist was born on July 12 (24), 1894 in the village of Sumposad, Kemsky District, Arkhangelsk Governorate (at present Belomorsky District, Republic of Karelia).
«Словарем живого поморского языка в его бытовом и этнографическом применении». Закончив работать над... более 12 тысяч слов. В издании опубликован и написанный Иваном Матвеевичем краткий «Очерк живого....: Болгова О. Н. "Утраченные" страницы "Словаря живого поморского языка в его бытовом... Русского Севера. Архангельск, 2017. С. 96-110; Дуров И. М. Словарь живого поморского языка в его бытовом... и его «Словарь живого поморского языка». С. V-XIV; [И. М. Дуров] // Известия Архангельского общества изучения

Memory of the Great Victory: educational projects of Presidential Library

24 October 2024
In 2025, a significant date will be celebrated - the 80th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
«Защитники Отечества» был выделен специальный подраздел «Живая память», в который вошли фронтовые

Memory of Russia: Exhibition dedicated to the image of Vasily Tyorkin from A. Tvardovsky’s poem presented in Moscow Region

13 July 2019
The exhibition “Mortal combat is not for the sake of glory, but for the sake of life on earth...” marking the 80th anniversary of the image of Vasily Tyorkin from Alexander Tvardovsky’s poem is underway until August 26, 2019 in the M. Prishvin House Museum (Moscow Region).
историю в живом творческом взаимодействии с реальностью современной жизни. С началом боевых

President of Russia: Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of Russian Pobeda (Victory) Organising Committee at the Kremlin

12 December 2019
The Kremlin hosted a meeting, chaired by Vladimir Putin, of the Russian Pobeda (Victory) Organising Committee on preparations for the Year of Remembrance and Glory, and preserving the memory and preventing the falsification of the history of the Great Patriotic War.
и славы. И нам нужно вместе сделать всё необходимое, чтобы наполнить его живым содержанием, искренним

Memorable Dates of Russia: Exhibition marking the 100th anniversary of the writer Fyodor Abramov presented in Saint-Petersburg

5 March 2020
February 29, 2020, marks the 100th anniversary of Fyodor Alexandrovich Abramov. The State Literary Museum “XX Century” (Saint-Petersburg) has prepared an exhibition devoted to his life and work, marking the writer’s anniversary. Fyodor Abramov is known primarily as an author of novels and stories about Russian country life.
творческую энергию на изображение деревенской жизни и через неё живой, настоящей России. Писательское

The exhibition "Photographers of Besieged Leningrad" opened at the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Chisinau

24 January 2019
January 22, 2019, on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi siege, the exhibition “Photographers of Besieged Leningrad” from the collection of the State Memorial Museum of Defence and Siege of Leningrad was opened in the Exhibition Hall of the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Chisinau.
свидетельством живой народной памяти о подвиге защитников города, его жителей и всех, кто в тяжелейшие годы

Memory of Russia: Foundation stone laid at the base of a future memorial to Rzhev defenders

13 November 2018
On November 12, 2018 a stone was laid at the base of the future Rzhev Memorial in honour of heroes of the Great Patriotic War as part of the foundation stone-laying ceremony in Tver Region.
отделяет нас тех страшных, но славных событий, чем меньше участников и очевидцев войны остается в живых

Society and culture: The exhibition "Russian writers of the Silver Age" in Moscow

17 August 2016
August 17, 2016 in the reading room of Manuscripts Department of the Russian State Library (Moscow) opens the exhibition "Russian writers of the Silver Age: to the 130th anniversary of the birth of Vladislav Felitsianovich Khodasevich and the 150th anniversary of Dmitry Merezhkovsky".
экспозицию очень живой и передают дух Серебряного века русской поэзии.

History of St. Petersburg: The events dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade

27 January 2017
January 27 the northern capital celebrates an important date - 73 years ago Leningrad was liberated from the Nazis. Thus the city will take a lot of special events.
году. Около 300 участников из разных стран с помощью авиации и пиротехники покажут, как проходили эти события в формате живого музея военной истории.

Year of Russian Cinema-2016: Exhibition "In the picture, and behind the scenes. Peterhof in the national cinema" is presented to the 120th anniversary of the first Imperial cinema screening

18 October 2016
The Museum of the family Benoit (the Museum-Reserve "Peterhof") until November 9, 2016 hosts an exhibition "In the picture, and behind the scenes. Peterhof in the national cinema".
1896 года в Тронном зале Большого Петергофского дворца «живые фотографии» были представлены

Cooperation of libraries and museums: The "Picture in the Library" of the Museum of Russian Impressionism in the Novgorod Regional Library

17 October 2016
17 October 2016 in the Novgorod Regional Universal Scientific Library in the framework of the project "Picture in the Library" of the Russian Impressionism Museum (Moscow) will present a picture of Petr Konchalovsky "Any colors (Still Life with Flowers and watering can)" (1939).
, лекции, экскурсии, музыкальные концерты – делают проект живым и полноценным, пробуждая интерес к русскому искусству даже у самых юных зрителей.

History and culture: Exhibition of antique dolls and mechanisms "Christmas surprise" in Moscow

30 December 2016
Till January 29, 2017 the exhibition of antique dolls and mechanisms from the collection of David Yakobashvili "Christmas Surprises" was opened in the All-Russian Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts (Moscow).
мастерских Жаке Дро, Вокансона, Маярде, Виши, Ламберта, Бертрана и других копировали пластику живых

History of Russia: The exhibition, dedicated to the image of Russian manor in photographs of 1860-1920s, in Moscow

23 March 2016
The State Historical Museum (Moscow) presents the exhibition ""Eyes of Memory". The image of Russian manor in the photographs. 1860-1920s".
. В дальнейшем исчезновение усадебной культуры как живой и мощной традиции привело к отсутствию образа усадьбы в советской фотографии.

Regions of Russia: New Year celebration in St. Petersburg

30 December 2010
December 30, 2010 to January 7, 2011 St. Petersburg holds traditional celebrations.  
в году Дворцовая площадь соберёт гостей в декорациях сказочного леса из 600 живых елей

Information security: Launch of the “Project 2020”, one of the largest advisory councils on struggle with cybercrimes

27 July 2012
To help the public authorities, security agencies and business begins its work one of the largest advisory councils to combat cybercrime. The new initiative, named "Project 2020" - the result of joint efforts of the International Cyber Security Protection Alliance (ICSPA) and Europol - takes over the functions of analysis and assessment of current trends in the field of cyber threats, and a forecast of their development for the next eight years.  
о юридической помощи, а также о создании системы передачи «живой» информации о возникающих киберугрозах.

IT and Copyright: French publishers reach an agreement with Google

27 August 2011
French publisher La Martiniere has allowed Google to scan out-of-print works which are still copyright-protected. La Martiniere, in its turn, is permitted to sell books on Google Ebooks platform.
на то, что книги уже устарели, а их авторов давно нет в живых. Судебное разбирательство между
