Visual materials
Visual materials
Voznesensky bridge. St. Petersburg. General view of the reconstruction of the bridge. 1957: photography
Voznesensky bridge. St. Petersburg. General view of the reconstruction of the bridge. 1957: photography.
Voznesensky bridge. St. Petersburg. Bridge reconstruction: photo
Voznesensky bridge. St. Petersburg. Bridge reconstruction: photo.
Voznesensky bridge. St. Petersburg. Bridge to reconstruction in 1957: photo
Voznesensky bridge. St. Petersburg. Bridge before reconstruction 1957: photo.
Voznesensky bridge. St. Petersburg. General form. 1958: photography
Voznesensky bridge. St. Petersburg. General form. 1958: photography.
Voznesensky bridge. St. Petersburg. Floor lamp. 1958: photography
Voznesensky bridge. St. Petersburg. Floor lamp. 1958: photography. 1958.
Voznesensky bridge. St. Petersburg. Floor lamp. 1958: photography
Voznesensky bridge. St. Petersburg. Floor lamp. 1958: photography.
Voznesensky Bridge at Mayorov Ave. (b. Voznesensky Ave.) across the Griboedov Canal (b. Yekaterininsky Canal)
Voznesensky Bridge at Mayorov Ave. (b. Voznesensky Ave.) across the Griboedov Canal (b. Yekaterininsky Canal).
Балаченкова, Н. В., частное собрание