Organization of actors’ activities
Organization of actors’ activities
The order of the director of the imperial theaters so that dances are not put into performances of drama artists
Directorate of the Imperial Theaters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Order of the director of the imperial theaters so that dances are not put into the performances of drama artists.
Order of the director of the imperial theaters so that dances are not put into the performances of drama artists.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
The director’s proposal that the artists participating in the performance should arrive at the theater in advance, by 6 o’clock, late to subject to a fine of 50 rubles
Directorate of the Imperial Theaters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Director's proposal that the artists participating in the play arrive at the theater in advance, at 6 o’clock, who are late to be fined 50 rubles.
Director's proposal that the artists participating in the play arrive at the theater in advance, at 6 o’clock, who are late to be fined 50 rubles.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
1811. 12 л. (РГИА Ф. 497. Оп. 1. Дело 880.)
The matter concerns the Minister of Courts order that without his permission not to invite to the Petersburg theaters and not to send back the actors of the Moscow theaters
Directorate of Imperial Theaters MFA.
Deal with Minister Yard’s prescription that, without his permission, he should not be invited to the Petersburg theaters and not sent back to the artists of the Moscow theaters.
Deal with Minister Yard’s prescription that, without his permission, he should not be invited to the Petersburg theaters and not sent back to the artists of the Moscow theaters.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
1831. 6 л. (РГИА Ф. 497. Оп. 1. Дело 5528.)
The case of forbidding actors to grow whiskers and mustaches
Directorate of Imperial Theaters MFA.
Case about the prohibition of actors to grow whiskers and mustaches.
Case about the prohibition of actors to grow whiskers and mustaches.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
1836. 3 л. (РГИА Ф. 497. Оп. 1. Дело 7265.)
The case of reporting to the Office of Moscow Theaters, which penalties exist in St. Petersburg for artists of the Russian troupe
Directorate of Imperial Theaters MFA.
The case of reporting to the Office of Moscow Theaters, which penalties exist in St. Petersburg for artists of the Russian troupe.
The case of reporting to the Office of Moscow Theaters, which penalties exist in St. Petersburg for artists of the Russian troupe.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
1836. 3 л. (РГИА Ф. 497. Оп. 1. Дело 7441.)
The case of banning artists from making any changes in the plays
Directorate of Imperial Theaters MFA.
The case of prohibiting artists from making any changes in the plays.
The case of prohibiting artists from making any changes in the plays.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
1842. 4 л. (РГИА Ф. 497. Оп. 1. Дело 9122.)
Ethics of the actor in theatrical practice of K. Stanislavsky (USSR) and R. Boleslavsky (USA) in 1911-1938
Kovalev, Egor Sergeevich (candidate of philosophical sciences).Ethics of the actor in theatrical practice of K. Stanislavsky (USSR) and R. Boleslavsky (USA) in 1911-1938.Ivanovo, 2016.
Psychological determinants of the effectiveness of professional activity of a theater actor
Sergienko, Elena Leonidovna (candidate of psychological sciences).Psychological determinants of the effectiveness of professional activities of a theater actor.Yaroslavl, 2019.
1811. 7 л. (РГИА Ф. 497. Оп. 1. Дело 867.)