Cipher telegram from the Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich to J. Stalin and Soviet People's Commissar of Military and Naval Affairs K. Voroshilov about technical cooperation between France and the USSR in the sphere of aviation and the aircraft industry. Original Corrections and signature - autograph of L. Kaganovich.
September 20, 1933
Russian State Archives of Social and Political History
Cipher telegram from J. Stalin to the Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich about the conditions of technical cooperation with France in the sphere of aviation and the aircraft industry. - Original on a blank cipher telegram, typeOriginal. - Original, autograph of J. Stalin.
September 20, 1933
Russian State Archives of Social and Political History
Secret agent information from the 4th Directorate of the Red Army General Staff “Relations between the USSR and Germany”. Certified translation from German, contemporary to the original.
Before 20 September 1933
Russian State Military Archive
Cipher telegram from members of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich and V. Molotov to J. Stalin on the signature of pacts with Iraq and Greece; with the text of a reply cipher telegram from J. Stalin. Original Reply text - autograph of J. Stalin.
September 22, 1933
Russian State Archives of Social and Political History
Cipher telegram from members of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich and V. Molotov to J. Stalin on making a note of protest about the non-admission of Soviet correspondents to the Leipzig process; with the text of a reply cipher telegram from J. Stalin. Original Reply text - autograph of J. Stalin.
September 22, 1933
Russian State Archives of Social and Political History
Resolution of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee on the note of protest sent to the German government concerning the non-admission of Soviet correspondents to the process of the Reichstag fire. Original
23 September 1933
Russian State Archives of Social and Political History
Cipher telegram from the Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich to J. Stalin with the attached text of a note of the German government concerning the non-admission of Soviet journalists to the Leipzig process and the reply sanctions of the Soviet government against German journalists. Certified copy.
September 30, 1933
Russian State Archives of Social and Political History
Cipher telegram from members of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich and V. Molotov to J. Stalin with a draft TASS communiqué with regard to the note of the German government concerning the non-admission of Soviet journalists to the Leipzig process with the text of a reply cipher telegram from J. Stalin. Original Reply text - autograph of J. Stalin.
2 October 1933
Russian State Archives of Social and Political History
Cipher telegrams from the Soviet chargé d'affaires ad interim in the USA B. Skvirsky to the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee on the preparation of a letter by US President FD Roosevelt to the Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee M. Kalinin regarding the need to discuss US-Soviet relations. Certified copies.
October 12, 1933
Russian State Archives of Social and Political History