Covering letter of the head of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the General Staff of the Red Army F.I.
December 10, 1940
Russian state military archive
Special message of the RU General Staff of the Red Army "On new regroupings of German troops in the Balkans"
December 10, 1940
Russian state military archive
Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "On the supply of forgings and steel castings for military shipbuilding" (pr. No. 23/23-op for November 22 - December 13, 1940, p. 171)
December 10, 1940
Russian State Archive of Social and Political History
Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "On the design and construction of a prototype of armored snowmobiles" (pr. No. 23/23-op for November 22 - December 13, 1940, p. 174)
December 10, 1940
Russian State Archive of Social and Political History
Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On the program of plant No. 18 for 1941" for the production of Il-2, BD-3F, Er-2 aircraft (pr. No. 23/23-op for November 22 - December 13, 1940, p. 175)
December 10, 1940
Russian State Archive of Social and Political History
From the diary of A. Ya.Vyshinsky, First Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR - a Transcript with the Romanian envoy to the USSR G. Gafencu on the mutual repatriation of Romanian and Soviet citizens with a note from the Romanian government to the USSR government on liquidation
December 11, 1940
Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation
Cipher telegram of the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov to the Plenipotentiary of the USSR in Turkey S.A. Vinogradov about the conversation with the Turkish Ambassador to the USSR H. Aktay on the Bulgarian issue
December 11, 1940
Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation
Protocol No. 2 of the meeting of the GVS of the Red Army on the norms and types of clothing supply, the system for organizing the repair of combat and auxiliary vehicles in wartime, the passage of service by the flight technical personnel of the Red Army Air Force, etc.
December 11, 1940
Russian state military archive
Cipher telegram of the USSR plenipotentiary envoy to Germany V.G. Dekanozov to the USSR Foreign Minister V.M.
December 12, 1940
Archives of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation
Letter from the Ambassador of Great Britain to the USSR S. Cripps to the First Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR A. Ya. Vyshinsky about the detained Baltic courts
December 12, 1940
Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation