St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg
Everything for the front, everything for the Victory! Receiver of the N-th Plant V. O. Shpakovsky examines the finished car
Mikhailov, Alexander Alexeevich (1901-). Everything for the front, everything for the Victory! Receiver of the N-th Plant V. O. Shpakovsky examines the finished car. October 3, 1941.
Военно-исторический Музей артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи МО РФ
- Kalinin Plant
Plant named after MI Kalinin. Everything for the front is for the Victory!
Plant named after MI Kalinin. Everything for the front is all for the Victory !. 1941-1943. - Kirov Plant
Artist N. A. Pavlov.Leningrad.Kirov plant.Colorful etching
Artist N. A. Pavlov.Leningrad.Kirov plant.Colorful etching. - Obukhov Plant
Obukhov steel plant.Russian Imperial Army officer shows a playful gesture photographer colleague.1904-1906 gg.
Obukhov steel plant.Russian Imperial Army officer shows a playful gesture photographer colleague.1904-1906 gg.Obukhov steel plant.In the center of Major General V.I.Kolchak (Kolchak's father)
Obukhov steel plant.In the center of Major General V.I.Kolchak (Kolchak's father).Obukhov steel plant.The officers of the Russian Imperial Army check tools before transporting.Of 1904-1905.
Obukhov steel plant.The officers of the Russian Imperial Army check tools before transporting.Of 1904-1905.