Legal aspects of the economy
Legal aspects of the economy
Theoretical aspects of legal regulation of the economy in transition societies
Gorshenin, Victor Vladimirovich. Theoretical aspects of the legal regulation of the economy in transition societies. Moscow, 2009.
Administrative and legal regime of special economic zones
Svintsova, Kira Sergeyevna. Administrative and legal regime of special economic zones. Voronezh, 2010.
ВГУ. Сайт
Dissertation thesis: Is administrative-legal bases of functioning of special economic zones in the Russian Federation ...
Batyrov, Mingian Vladimirovich (Candidate of Legal Sciences). Administrative and legal basis for the operation of special economic zones in the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2011.
Functioning of special economic zones in the territory of the Russian Federation: the financial and legal aspect
Savosik, Denis Alexandrovich. Functioning of special economic zones in the territory of the Russian Federation: the financial and legal aspect. Saratov, 2011.
Administrative and legal regulation of the public sector of the economy
Kapelko, Tatyana Vitalievna. Administrative and legal regulation of the public sector of the economy. Moscow, 2012.
Legal mechanism for resolving economic disputes in Russia
Usmanova, Laysan Marsovna.Legal mechanism for resolving economic disputes in Russia.Moscow, 2012.
Indirect (mediated) administrative and legal relations in the sphere of economics and finance
Asadov, Ali Mamedovich. Indirect (mediated) administrative and legal relations in the sphere of economy and finance. Chelyabinsk, 2014.
Legal models of coordination of economic activity in the Russian Federation
Kasymov, Rasul Shamilyevich. Legal models of coordination of economic activity in the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2015.