Intellectual property rights management in the economy
Intellectual property rights management in the economy
The system of customs control as a form of state regulation services for the sphere of trade in intellectual property objects
Bek, Vadim Aleksandrovich (candidate of economic sciences). The system of customs control as a form of state regulation of the sphere of trade in objects of intellectual property. Khabarovsk, 2012.
Formation and development of patent information to support innovation
Queen Elena (kand. Ehkon. Sciences, patenting).Formation and development of patent information to support innovation.Moscow 2015.
Development of intellectual property management system in the high-tech holdings
Zotov, Vladimir Mikhailovich.Development of intellectual property management system in the high-tech holdings.Moscow, 2017.
Regulation of international trade in intellectual property in the context of a global economy
Soldatenko, Daria Mikhailovna.Regulation of international trade in intellectual property in the global economy.Moscow, 2017.
Legal regulation of the turnover of rights to the results of intellectual activity in the digital economy
Kirsanova, Ekaterina Evgenievna.Legal regulation of the turnover of rights to the results of intellectual activity in the digital economy.Moscow, 2021.