I. I. Golikov : Deeds of Peter the Great (Extended) [in 18 volumes]
I. I. Golikov : Deeds of Peter the Great (Extended) [in 18 volumes]
Supplement to the Acts of Peter the Great. T. 1
Golikov. IIAddition to the Acts of Peter the Great. Moscow: Univ. type.
T. 1. 1790.
T. 1. 1790.
Supplement to the Acts of Peter the Great. T. 2
Golikov. IIAddition to the Acts of Peter the Great. Moscow: Univ. type.
T. 2. 1790.
T. 2. 1790.
Supplement to the Acts of Peter the Great. T. 3
Golikov, Ivan Ivanovich (1735-1801).
Supplement to the Acts of Peter the Great. T. 3. Moscow: Univ. type., in V. Okorokov, 1790-1797. 1790.
Supplement to the Acts of Peter the Great. T. 4. Containing an addition to the first volume of the Acts
Golikov, Ivan Ivanovich (1735-1801).
Supplement to the Acts of Peter the Great. Containing an addition to the first volume of the Acts. Moscow: Univ. type., in V. Okorokov, 1790-1797. 1790.
Supplement to the Acts of Peter the Great. T. 5. Containing in itself the continuation of the supplement to the first volume of the Acts.
Golikov, Ivan Ivanovich (1735-1801).
Supplement to the Acts of Peter the Great. Containing in itself the continuation of the supplement to the first volume of the Acts. Moscow: Univ. type., in V. Okorokov, 1790-1797. 1791.
Supplement to the Acts of Peter the Great. T. 6. Containing an addition to the second volume of the Acts.
Golikov, Ivan Ivanovich (1735-1801). Supplement to the Acts of Peter the Great. Moscow: Univ. type., in V. Okorokov, 1790-1797.
T. 6: Containing in itself the addition to the second volume of the Acts in use.1791.
T. 6: Containing in itself the addition to the second volume of the Acts in use.1791.
Supplement to the Acts of Peter the Great. T. 7. Containing the continuation of the complement to the second volume of the Acts.
Golikov, Ivan Ivanovich (1735-1801).
Supplement to the Acts of Peter the Great. Containing the continuation of the addition to the second volume of the Acts. Moscow: Univ. type., in V. Okorokov, 1790-1797. 1791.
Supplement to the Acts of Peter Velikago.T. 8. Containing the continuation of the addition to the second acts
Golikov.Ivan Ivanovich.1735-1801.Supplement to the Acts of Peter Velikago.Moscow: Univ.Type, V. Okorokova, 1790-1797.T. 8: Containing the continuation of the addition to the second acts.1792.
StateArchive of the Tyumen region
Supplement to the Acts of Peter the Great. T. 9. Containing the continuation of the addition to the third volume of the Acts.
Golikov, Ivan Ivanovich (1735-1801).
Supplement to the Acts of Peter the Great. Containing the continuation of the addition to the third volume of these Acts .. Moscow: Univ. type., in V. Okorokov, 1790-1797. 1792.
Supplement to the Acts of Peter the Great. T. 10. Containing in itself the continuation of the addition to the fourth volume of these Acts.
Golikov, Ivan Ivanovich (1735-1801).
Supplement to the Acts of Peter the Great. Containing the continuation of the addition to the fourth volume of these Acts ..
Moscow: Univ. type., in V. Okorokov, 1790-1797. 1792.
Moscow: Univ. type., in V. Okorokov, 1790-1797. 1792.