

Decree of the USSR GKO No. 914 on the appointment of A.P. Panfilov by the authorized command of the Supreme Command of the USSR for communication with the Czechoslovak military mission and the implementation of the Soviet -Czechoslovak military agreement of September 27, 1941 (certificate), with the Mandate Application

F. 644.Decree of the USSR GKO No. 914 on the appointment of A.P. Panfilov by the authorized command of the Supreme Command of the USSR for communication with the Czechoslovak military mission and the implementation of the Soviet -Czechoslovak military agreement of September 27, 1941 (certificate), with the Mandate Application.
November 19, 1941
Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History

Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 921 SS on temporary cancellation in the ports of the USSR sealing receiving radio equipment on American and English ships, with the application of a note by Beria L. P. Molotov V.M.

F. 644.Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 921 SS on temporary cancellation in the ports of the USSR sealing receiving radio equipment on American and English ships, with the application of a note by Beria L. P. Molotov V.M.
November 19, 1941
Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History
