Report of the chief of staff of the 9th Army of the Southern Front A.E. Braido on the defensive battles of the army from October 5 to November 8, 1941 in the battle for Rostov, with the application of copies of the combat order and the order of the headquarters of the 136th Infantry Division for November 1 and 3, on November 1 and 31941, schemes for the plan of operation of the 1st Panzer Army E. von Kleist, through the encirclement and defeat of the 9th and 56th armies, the location of units of the 9th Army and the enemy attacks on November 5, 1941 and others.
F. 464.Report of the chief of staff of the 9th Army of the Southern Front A.E. Braido on the defensive battles of the army from October 5 to November 8, 1941 in the battle for Rostov, with the application of copies of the combat order and the order of the headquarters of the 136th Infantry Division for November 1 and 3, on November 1 and 31941, schemes for the plan of operation of the 1st Panzer Army E. von Kleist, through the encirclement and defeat of the 9th and 56th armies, the location of units of the 9th Army and the enemy attacks on November 5, 1941 and others.
Southern Front
PB named afterB.N.Yeltsin
Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 2180-993ss "On Air Defense of Kuibyshev"
F. R-5446.Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 2180-993ss "On Air Defense of Kuibyshev".
November 4, 1941
State Archive of the Russian Federation
The encryption of the USSR Ambassador to the UK in the UK I. M. Maisky in the USSR NDCI about a conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain A. Een on the issue of the British government declare a state of war with Finland, Romania and Hungary
F. 059.The encryption of the ambassador of the USSR in the UK I. M. Maisky in the NKKI USSR about a conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain A. Een on the issue of announcing a state of war with Finland, Romania and Hungary.
November 4, 1941
Archive of foreign policy of the Russian Federation
Order No. 001549 of the NKVD of the USSR "On the organization of the protection of Red Square on the day of the parade dedicated to the XXIV anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution - November 7, 1941", with the application of the list of duties and the deadlines for equipping the Metro station "Mayakovsky Square"
F. 66.Order No. 001549 of the NKVD of the USSR "On the organization of the protection of Red Square on the day of the parade dedicated to the XXIV anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution - November 7, 1941", with the application of the list of distribution of duties and terms for equipping the Metro station "Mayakovsky Square".
November 4, 1941
Central Archive of the Federal Security Service of Russia
Special communion of the chief of staff of the Moscow zone of the city of Petrov on the procedures established by the Germans in the occupied territory of the Moscow region
F. 3.Special communion of the chief of staff of the Moscow zone of G. A Petrov on the procedures established by the Germans in the occupied territory of the Moscow region.
November 4, 1941
Central Archive of the Federal Security Service of Russia
The report of the head of the UNKVD in the Kursk region P. M. Aksenov to the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR L.P. Beria on the defense of the city of Kursk and forced to leave him to the enemy
F. 3.The report of the head of the UNKVD in the Kursk region P. M. Aksenov to the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR L.P. Beria on the defense of G. Kursk and forced to leave his enemy.
November 4, 1941
Central Archive of the Federal Security Service of Russia
Letter of I.V. Stalin, US President F. Roosevelt with an expression of gratitude for providing the Soviet Union with an interest -free loan of $ 1 billion
F. 558.Letter of I.V. Stalin, US President F. Roosevelt with an expression of gratitude for providing the Soviet Union with an interest -free loan of $ 1 billion.
November 4, 1941
Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History
Letter of US President F. Roosevelt I.V. Stalin with a message about the dissemination of Lend-Lisa Law on the Soviet Union
F. 558.Letter of US President F. Roosevelt I.V. Stalin with a message about the dissemination of the Lend-Lis law on the Soviet Union.
[Early November 1941]
Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History
Medical service plan for the parade of troops on Red Square on November 7, 1941
F. 3.Medical service plan for the parade of troops on Red Square on November 7, 1941
November 5, 1941
Central Archive of the Federal Security Service of Russia
The plan of the anti -chemical defense of Red Square on November 7, 1941, with the apparatus of the posts of posts
F. 3.The plan for the anti -chemical defense of Red Square on November 7, 1941, with the application of the tabel of posts.
November 5, 1941
Central Archive of the Federal Security Service of Russia