Republic of Khakassia

Republic of Khakassia

Historical and cultural complex of the Anhakovsky Municipal Museum-Reserve in the open air "Khurtui Tas" (Republic of Khakassia, Askizsky district).Actors in national costumes of indigenous peoples

Chizhenok, Alexander Evgenievich (1955).Historical and cultural complex of the Anhakovsky Municipal Museum-Reserve in the open air "Khurtui Tas" (Republic of Khakassia, Askizsky district).Actors in national costumes of indigenous peoples.Aal Anghakov (rep. Khakassia, Askizsky district), April 16, 2004.
From a private meeting

Historical and cultural complex of the Anhakovsky Municipal Museum-Reserve in the open air "Khurtui Tas" (Republic of Khakassia, Askizsky district).Women in national costumes of indigenous peoples

Chizhenok, Alexander Evgenievich (1955).Historical and cultural complex of the Anhakovsky Municipal Museum-Reserve in the open air "Khurtui Tas" (Republic of Khakassia, Askizsky district).Women in national costumes of indigenous peoples.Aal Anghakov (rep. Khakassia, Askizsky district), April 16, 2004.
From a private meeting

Historical and cultural complex of the Anhakovsky Municipal Museum-Reserve in the open air "Khurtui Tas" (Republic of Khakassia, Askizsky district).A man in a national suit with a shamanistic tambourine

Chizhenok, Alexander Evgenievich (1955).Historical and cultural complex of the Anhakovsky Municipal Museum-Reserve in the open air "Khurtui Tas" (Republic of Khakassia, Askizsky district).A man in a national suit with a shamanistic tambourine.Aal Anghakov (rep. Khakassia, Askizsky district), April 16, 2004.
From a private meeting