Combat report No. 0058 of the headquarters of the 3rd Ukrainian Front on the situation on the front line by 24.00.A certified copy.February 27, 1945
Combat report No. 0058 of the headquarters of the 3rd Ukrainian Front on the situation on the front line by 24.00.A certified copy.February 27, 19451945.
27 февраля 1945 г.
Центральный архив Министерства обороны Российской Федерации
Decree of the Poltava regional committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine "On Strengthening the fight against Ukrainian-German nationalists in the western regions of Ukraine"
F. 17.Decree of the Poltava regional committee of the Communist Party (b) of Ukraine "On Strengthening the fight against Ukrainian-German nationalists in the western regions of Ukraine".
February 27, 1945
Russian State Archive of Social and Political History
A report of the deputy chief of the internal troops of the NKVD of the USSR M. I. Scholkhevich to the deputy commissar of the internal affairs of the USSR A. N. Apollonov "On the liquidation of the gang of the UPA leader" Cubik "in the stone-Kashirsky district of the Volyn region"
F. 38650.A report of the deputy chief of the internal troops of the NKVD of the USSR M. I. Scholkhevich to the Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR A.N. Apollonov "On the elimination of the gang of the UPA leader" Cubik "in the stone-Kashirsky district of the Volyn region."
February 27, 1945
Russian State Military Archive
Washington Ciphertelegram on Disagreements in the Higher leadership of Nazi Germany
Washington’s encryption on disagreements in the highest leadership of Nazi Germany.
February 27, 1945
Archive of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia
Combat Order No. 007/OP of the headquarters of the 59th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front to withhold defense and preventing the enemy of the bridgehead on the western bank of the river.Oder.A certified copy.February 28, 1945
Combat Order No. 007/OP of the headquarters of the 59th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front to withhold defense and preventing the enemy of the bridgehead on the western bank of the river.Oder.A certified copy.February 28, 19451945.
28 февраля 1945 г.
Центральный архив Министерства обороны Российской Федерации
Resolution of the Ternopil Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine "On the elimination of bandit groups and bandboevos in the regions of the region"
F. 17.Decree of the Ternopil Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine "On the elimination of gangs and bandbooevs in the regions of the region".
February 28, 1945
Russian State Archive of Social and Political History