Suuksu / Suuk-Su

Suuksu / Suuk-Su

In 1897 a prominent railway engineer-bridge-builder V. Berezin and his wife O. Solovyeva purchased a plot of land in the Suuk-Su area (lit. cold water) in the hope of establishing a profitable resort here. The grand opening of the resort, which is consisted of an entire complex of buildings for the guests (an architect — N. P. Krasnov), was held in 1903. Intellectual elite and noble people come in Suuk-Su for vacations. Nicholas II visited the resort in 1914. After the October Revolution, Suuk-Su was nationalized, sanatorium VTsIK (the All-Russian Central Executive Committee) was organized on its base. In 1936 it was reassigned to Artek and became part of the children’s recreation and health center.
