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The Presidential Library illustrates centenary anniversaries of famous publications
13 January 2024
January 13 marks the Russian Press Day. On this day in 1703, by decree of Peter the Great, the first Vedomosti Russian printed newspaper was published in Moscow.
День печати в этом году станет первым праздником, за которым последуют юбилеи изданий. В первую... столетние юбилеи. Некоторые из них представлены в электронной коллекции «Отечественная периодика в фонде...Президентская библиотека о вековых юбилеях известных изданий
The Presidential Library features a new collection on the occasion of the anniversary of Alexander Ostrovsky
12 April 2023
The playwright Alexander Ostrovsky was born in Moscow 200 years ago on April 12, 1823. His literary heritage contains dozens of plays thanks to which a national theater appeared in Russia. His life is full of interesting events, his work still attracts the attention of researchers, and plays are successfully staged in theaters throughout the country.
исследователей, а пьесы с успехом идут в театрах по всей стране.
К юбилею драматурга Президентская библиотека...К юбилею Александра Островского Президентская библиотека представляет новую коллекцию
Related to the first mayor of the northern capital documents are opened on the occasion of the anniversary of A. Sobchak
10 August 2017
On the 80th anniversary of Anatoly Sobchak (August 10, 1937 — February 20, 2000), the Presidential Library presented the digitized copies of the archival documents related to work of the first mayor of St. Petersburg.
К юбилею А. Собчака открыты документы о первом мэре Северной столицы
Virtual exhibition marking the anniversary of Afanasy Fet held in Yekaterinburg
4 July 2020
2020 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. Thus, the Belinsky Sverdlovsk Regional Universal Scientific Library provides a new virtual exhibition dedicated to the life and career of the great poet.
Виртуальную выставку к юбилею Афанасия Фета подготовили в Екатеринбурге
The Presidential Library’s Poetry Club to mark Osip Mandelstam’s anniversary
15 January 2021
A literary campaign Pilgrim, timed to coincide with the anniversary of Osip Mandelstam, will be launched on January 15, 2021 at 12:00 on the page of the Presidential Library’s Poetry Club on the VKontakte social network. This day marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of one of the greatest poets of the 20th century.
в социальной сети «ВКонтакте» стартует литературная акция «Пилигрим», приуроченная к юбилею Осипа... в социальной сети «ВКонтакте» стартует литературная акция «Пилигрим», приуроченная к юбилею Осипа...Поэтический клуб Президентской библиотеки – к юбилею Осипа Мандельштама
Marking Ivan Bilibin’s anniversary: he took longer to find his calling
16 August 2021
16 August 2021 marks the 145th anniversary of the birth of the Russian artist, book illustrator and theater designer Ivan Bilibin.
К юбилею художника Ивана Билибина: своё призвание он нашёл не сразу
Exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of Mikhail Lomonosov opened in Penza
29 November 2021
The Regional Center of Access to the Resources of the Presidential Library based the Lermontov Penza Regional Library hosts the exhibition "The Light of Russian Science" dedicated to the 310th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Lomonosov (1711–1765).
В Пензе открылась выставка, посвящённая юбилею М. В. Ломоносова
The Presidential Library marking the anniversary of the outstanding reformer Pyotr Stolypin
14 April 2022
April 14, 2022 marks the 160th anniversary of the birth of Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin (1862–1911), an outstanding reformer in the field of economic and socio-political development of Russia. In national history there are not many statesmen comparable to him in terms of the scale of talent, concentrated in the same hands of power, in terms of the strength of sincere faith in the future of their country.
Президентская библиотека – к юбилею выдающегося реформатора Петра Столыпина
The Presidential Library’s new collection marking Peter I’s anniversary
9 June 2022
Marking the significant day of June 9, when Russia celebrates the 350th anniversary of Peter I, the Presidential Library has formed a new collection that involves over 600 unique documents about the personality of the first Russian emperor and Petrine era.
К знаменательному дню 9 июня, когда Россия отмечает 350-летний юбилей Петра I, Президентская...К знаменательному дню 9 июня, когда Россия отмечает 350-летний юбилей Петра I, Президентская...Новая коллекция Президентской библиотеки – к юбилею Петра I
"Northern Flowers" to be on display in the Presidential Library in honor of Norilsk anniversary
17–31 July 2018
From July 17 until July 31 2018 the Presidential Library hosts the "Northern Flowers" exhibition. The exposition has been formed under the auspices of “Norilsk Nickel” and is dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Norilsk, the world's northernmost city with the resident population of over 100,000 people. The exposition has been formed under the auspices of “Norilsk Nickel” and is dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Norilsk, the world's northernmost city with the resident population of over 100,...
познакомиться с регионом и его жителями, и, таким образом, присоединиться к празднованию юбилея города...«Северные цветы» покажут в Президентской библиотеке в честь юбилея Норильска
Мировые библиотеки: Русская библиотека в Мюнхене отметила юбилей
30 October 2009
Мюнхенской библиотеке русских книг Толстовского общества исполнилось 60 лет.
Мировые библиотеки: Русская библиотека в Мюнхене отметила юбилей
Regions of Russia: Exhibition, marking Victory jubilee, kicked off in Arkhangelsk
29 March 2010
The exhibition “Arkhangelsk. War. Years and lives”, which marks the 65th anniversary of Great Victory, kicked off in Arkhangelsk.
Регионы России: Выставка к юбилею Победы открылась в Архангельске
An event dedicated to the anniversary of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky took place in Brest
30 December 2020
The literary studio Zhivaya Kniga of the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Brest held a New Year's Eve timed to coincide with the 180th anniversary of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
новогодний вечер, приуроченный к 180-летнему юбилею Петра Ильича Чайковского.
На мероприятии звучали... новогодний вечер, приуроченный к 180-летнему юбилею Петра Ильича Чайковского.
...В Бресте состоялся вечер, приуроченный к юбилею Петра Ильича Чайковского
"Come back home, my soul!" Presidential Library marking Ivan Bunin’s anniversary
22 October 2020
October 22, 2020 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin (1870-1953) - one of the most talented representatives of the Silver Age in prose and poetry, winner of the 1933 Nobel Prize in Literature. The electronic collections of the Presidential Library contain not only digitized copies of editions of his works of the early 20th century, photographs, letters, but also research papers dedicated to the writer, abstracts of dissertations.
«Вернись на родину, душа!». Президентская библиотека – к юбилею Ивана Бунина
A virtual exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of Mikhail Lomonosov opened in Penza
4 January 2022
The Lermontov Penza Regional Library closes the exhibition "The Light of Russian Science" dedicated to the 310th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Lomonosov (1711–1765).
и редкого фонда ПОБ им. Лермонтова на виртуальной выставке, подготовленной к юбилею учёного.
Виртуальная...В Пензе проводится виртуальная выставка, посвящённая юбилею М. В. Ломоносова
The Presidential Library marking the anniversary of the famous lawyer Fyodor Plevako
25 April 2022
April 25, 2022 marks the 180th anniversary of the birth of Fyodor Plevako, a Russian lawyer, the father of judicial rhetoric, who was called the “great orator”, “metropolitan of the bar”, “genius of words”, “Moscow Chrysostom” and even ... “Pushkin in jurisprudence”. Little-known facts from the life of this outstanding person, reviews of contemporaries about his talent are available in the materials of the collection of the Presidential Library Fyodor Plevako (1842-1909) which also includes his...
Президентская библиотека – к юбилею известного юриста Фёдора Плевако
Society and Culture: Outdoor photo exhibition “Theatrical Stories: From Jubilee to Jubilee” mounted in Tyumen ahead of the Year of Theatre in Russia 2019
22 December 2018
Ahead of the opening of the Year of Theatre in Russia an outdoor photo exposition “Theatrical Stories: From Jubilee to Jubilee” was inaugurated on Central Square in Tyumen. The exposition was organized by the Centralized City Library System of Tyumen with the support of the City Administration.
представлена уличная фотоэкспозиция «Театральные истории: от юбилея к юбилею», подготовленная... представлена уличная фотоэкспозиция «Театральные истории: от юбилея к юбилею», подготовленная...Общество и культура: Фотовыставка «Театральные истории: от юбилея к юбилею» представлена в Тюмени к Году театра в России 2019 под открытым небом
International events: The exhibition, dedicated to the anniversary of Victory, opened in Prague
26 April 2015
An exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory opened in the capital of the Czech Republic. It runs in an art gallery Idea.
Международные мероприятия: Выставка, посвящённая юбилею Победы, открылась в Праге
The anniversary of the legendary Petersburger M. M. Bobrov to be celebrated in the Presidential Library
10 August 2018
Photographs from the personal archive with family, colleagues, students (including many well-known athletes, large and world-famous politicians), unique interview records and other materials will be showcased on August 10, 2018 at 12:00 in the Presidential Library at a cultural and educational action dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the honorable citizen of St. Petersburg, Mikhail Mikhailovich Bobrov.
хранилища на Сенатской, 3. А прямо накануне юбилея телестудия Президентской библиотеки записала...Юбилей легендарного петербуржца Михаила Боброва – в Президентской библиотеке
The Russian language faculty of the University of Hanoi celebrated its anniversary
25 November 2019
On November 17, 2019, an event was held at the University of Hanoi to mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Russian language faculty. The celebration opened with a colorful concert performed by professional Vietnamese creative groups, as well as students and faculty of the Vietnamese University.
Факультет русского языка Ханойского университета отметил юбилей
The Presidential Library’s Poetry Club to mark Osip Mandelstam’s anniversary
15 January 2021
A literary campaign Pilgrim, timed to coincide with the anniversary of Osip Mandelstam, will be launched on January 15, 2021 at 12:00 on the page of the Presidential Library’s Poetry Club on the VKontakte social network. This day marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of one of the greatest poets of the 20th century.
«ВКонтакте» проводится литературная акция «Пилигрим», приуроченная к юбилею Осипа Мандельштама – в этот... «ВКонтакте» проводится литературная акция «Пилигрим», приуроченная к юбилею Осипа Мандельштама...Поэтический клуб Президентской библиотеки – к юбилею Осипа Мандельштама
The Presidential Library published a new book to mark Mikhail Speransky’s anniversary
15 February 2022
2022 marks the 250th anniversary of Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky, an outstanding statesman, lawyer and lawmaker. This is a worthy occasion to revisit the legacy of the famous personality, to rethink his role in the evolution of the Russian state and law, to recall the documents and testimonies of contemporaries and to introduce new materials into scientific circulation.
и свидетельства современников, ввести в научный оборот новые материалы.
К юбилею Сперанского Президентская... Сперанского о праве, документы, относящиеся к празднованию его 100-летнего юбилея, а также научные статьи...К юбилею Михаила Сперанского Президентская библиотека выпустила новую книгу
Marking the centenary anniversary of Mikhail Kalashnikov: unveiling the monument and opening the exhibition
22 November 2019
On November 22, 2019 the Presidential Library and the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering and Signal Corps invite to attend the celebrations dedicated to the centenary anniversary of Mikhail Kalashnikov.
К вековому юбилею Михаила Калашникова: открытие памятника и выставки
The anniversary of Sverdlovsk Region celebrated in the regional center of the Presidential Library
23 January 2019
The 85th anniversary of Sverdlovsk Region was celebrated at the regional center of the Presidential Library, running on the basis of the Belinsky Sverdlovsk Regional Universal Research Library. On January 17, 2019, the presentation of the book “The Capital of the Urals. Historical Chronicles. 1723–2023” was held.
Юбилей Свердловской области отметили в региональном центре Президентской библиотеки
Regions of Russia: Exhibition marks anniversary of judicial system of Khakassia
12 November 2010
The National Archive of the Republic of Khakassia has unveiled an exhibition which marks the anniversary of judicial system of Khakassia entitled “80 years of service to Justice”.
Национальный архив Республики Хакасия подготовил выставку к юбилею судебной системы в Хакасии...Национальный архив Республики Хакасия подготовил выставку к юбилею судебной системы в Хакасии под названием «80 лет служения Правосудию».
...Регионы России: Выставка к юбилею судебной системы в Хакасии