An agent report to the RU RKKA on the results of the trip of the Minister-President of Prussia G. Goering to Poland
No later than March 20, 1937
Russian state military archive
Drawing by international brigade volunteers in Spain “Orchestra: Hitler and Mussolini”. Original.
March 1937
Russian State Archives of Social and Political History
Izvestia newspaper correspondent I. Ehrenburg visiting the Dombrovsky Battalion after the Battle of Guadalajara. Photograph.
March 1937
Russian State Archives of Social and Political History
Internal report from Soviet People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs M. Litvinov to J. Stalin on the expediency of establishing a Warsaw-Moscow air route in view of the Polish-German rapprochement, with the text of a draft resolution (approved by the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee on 23 March 1937). Original. Signature – autograph of M. Litvinov, vote count – autographs of members of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee J. Stalin, L. Kaganovich, K. Voroshilov, and V. Molotov.
22 March 1937
Russian State Archives of Social and Political History
Report from the Head of the Red Army Intelligence Directorate S. Uritsky to Soviet People’s Commissar of Defence K. Voroshilov “On new German military units”. Original.
22 March 1937
Russian State Military Archives
Report from the Head of the Red Army Intelligence Directorate S. Uritsky to Soviet People’s Commissar of Defence K. Voroshilov “On Germany’s talks with Denmark and Sweden”. Original.
30 March 1937
Russian State Military Archives