Excerpt from the diary of Y. Girshfeld, adviser to the Soviet Embassy in France, with a transcript of his conversation with the French politician G. Mandel about the domestic situation in France, the political situation in Europe and Franco-Soviet relations. Copy.
6 February 1937
Russian State Military Archives
Report from the Head of the Red Army Intelligence Directorate S. Uritsky to Soviet People’s Commissar of Defence K. Voroshilov “On the attempts of the German government to put pressure on Poland to recognize the government of General Franco”. Original.
13 February 1937
Russian State Military Archives
Report from the Head of the Red Army Intelligence Directorate S. Uritsky to Soviet People’s Commissar of Defence K. Voroshilov “On the activities of Romanian Fascists”. Original.
14 February 1937
Russian State Military Archives
Information from the 7th Department of the Main Directorate of State Security of the Soviet People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs on the bequeathal of General von Seeckt’s military and political testament to German Chancellor A. Hitler. Original.
Before 16 February 1937
Russian State Military Archives
Excerpts from the secret agent information summary of the 7th Department of the Main Directorate of State Security of the Soviet People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs regarding secret German-Soviet talks on cooperation, German blitzkrieg tactics, and Hitler’s plans in Spain. Translation from English, contemporary to the original.
After 19 February 1937
Archives of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation
Report from the Head of the Red Army Intelligence Directorate S. Uritsky to Soviet People’s Commissar of Defence K. Voroshilov about a conversation between Minister President of Prussia H. Goering and Inspector General of the Polish Armed Forces E. Rydz-Smigly regarding Polish-German military cooperation, Polish-French relations, and the desire of Poles to strengthen their relations with Germany. Original.
22 February 1937
Russian State Military Archives
Secret agent information summary from the Red Army Intelligence Directorate “On Goering’s visit to Poland” Certified translation from German, contemporary to the original.
After 23 February 1937
Russian State Military Archives
Report from the Head of the Red Army Intelligence Directorate S. Uritsky to Soviet People’s Commissar of Defence K. Voroshilov about a conversation between Minister President of Prussia H. Goering and Inspector General of the Polish Armed Forces E. Rydz-Smigly regarding Polish-German military cooperation, the construction of a railway and motor highway through the Polish Corridor, the fate of Danzig, and war against the USSR. Original.
25 February 1937
Russian State Military Archives