Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Justice in the first decade of the reign of Emperor Nicholas II. 1894-1904
Ministry of Justice in the first decade of the reign of Emperor Nicholas II. 1894-1904.
St. Petersburg, 1904.
St. Petersburg, 1904.
General overview of the activities of the Ministry of Justice and the Government Senate for the reign of Emperor Alexander III
Russia. Ministry of Justice
General overview of the activities of the Ministry of Justice and the Government Senate for the reign of Emperor Alexander III. St. Petersburg, 1901.
Formation and modernization of world justice in Russia (second half of XIX - beginning of XX century), historical and legal study
I was joking, Olga Viktorovna
Formation and modernization of world justice in Russia (the second half of the XIX - early XX century.) Historical and legal study.
Saratov, 2006.
Saratov, 2006.
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
Formation of the Institute of Administrative Justice in pre-revolutionary Russia
Frolov, Sergey Vladimirovich
Formation of the Institute of Administrative Justice in pre-revolutionary Russia.
Nizhny Novgorod, 2005.
Nizhny Novgorod, 2005.
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
An alphabetical index of issues clarified by circular decrees of the Government Senate (1868-1885) and circulars of the Ministry of Justice (1865-1885)
An alphabetical index of issues clarified by circular decrees of the Government Senate (1868-1885) and circulars of the Ministry of Justice (1865-1885).
Chisinau: Type. F. V. Gruzintseva, 1886.
Chisinau: Type. F. V. Gruzintseva, 1886.
Publications of the Moscow Archives of the Ministry of Justice (for 1896)
Russia. Ministry of Justice
Publications of the Moscow archive of the Ministry of Justice (for 1896).
Moscow: Typo-lit. I. N. Kushnereva, qualification. 1895.
Moscow: Typo-lit. I. N. Kushnereva, qualification. 1895.
Collection of statistical data of the Ministry of Justice. Issue. 8. Information on the personnel of the judicial institutions of European Russia, the Caucasus region, Siberia and Turkestan and the activities of judicial institutions established by the statutes of Emperor Alexander II and commercial courts for 1892
Russia. Ministry of JusticeDepartment (2).
Collection of statistical data of the Ministry of Justice. Information about the personnel of the judicial institutions of European Russia, the Caucasus region, Siberia and Turkestan and the activities of judicial institutions established by the statutes of Emperor Alexander II and commercial courts for 1892.
St. Petersburg: Type. Government Senate, 1887-. 1894.
St. Petersburg: Type. Government Senate, 1887-. 1894.
Index of civil law issues resolved for consultation at the Ministry of Justice established 1867-1871
Danilov, Ivan Grigorievich
Index of issues of civil law, allowed for consultations at the Ministry of Justice established 1867-1871.
St. Petersburg: Pecs. in the type. The ruling Senate, 1873.
St. Petersburg: Pecs. in the type. The ruling Senate, 1873.
Index of criminal law issues resolved for consultation at the Ministry of Justice established 1866-1874
Danilov, Ivan Grigorievich
Index of criminal law issues resolved for consultation at the Ministry of Justice established in 1866-1874.
St. Petersburg: Pecs. in the type. Ruling. Senate, 1875.
St. Petersburg: Pecs. in the type. Ruling. Senate, 1875.