

Instruction to party workers. "The incessant imperialist slaughter, which concentrated almost all the flourishing and efficient population of Europe on the battlefields, lay down an unbearable pressure on the broad masses of workers ..."

RSDLP. Petersburg Committee. Instruction to party workers. "The incessant imperialist slaughter, which concentrated almost all the flourishing and efficient population of Europe on the battlefields, laid down an unbearable oppression on the broad masses of workers ...". [B. m.: b. and.], 1916.

The bloody god of war continues to reign over the world. "The bloody clash caused by the grasping policy of the capitalist powers is becoming increasingly difficult, day by day the people are suffering a new grief, new suffering, new deprivation ..."

RSDLP. Petersburg Committee. The bloody god of war continues to reign over the world. "The bloody clash, caused by the grasping policy of the capitalist powers, is becoming increasingly difficult, day by day the people are suffering a new grief, new suffering, new deprivation ...". [Petrograd: b. and., 1916].
