Comrades slave. zavd. "Phoenix". "For more than a year now a truly monstrous carnage has been going on, more than a year, in the name of the appalling appetites of the capitalists of Russia, Germany and England, the culture and welfare of the country created by the ages, created by comrades, is destroyed only by your sweat and blood ..."
Comrades slave. zavd. "Phoenix". "For more than a year the monstrous massacre has been going on for more than a year, for centuries, in the name of the appalling appetites of the capitalists of Russia, Germany and England, the culture and prosperity of the country, created by comrades, is destroyed only by your sweat and blood ..." [B. m.: b. and., 1916].
Comrade workers! "The 19th month of the war, the 19th month of incessant bleeding and ruin of the masses ..."
RSDLP. Petersburg Committee. Comrade workers! "The 19th month of the war, the 19th month of incessant bleeding and ruin of the masses ...". [St. Petersburg: b. and., 1916].
Comrade workers! "On October 26, a trial will be held of those of our fellow sailors who wanted to join their forces in the revolutionary movement of the working class ..."
RSDLP. Petersburg Committee. Comrade workers! "On October 26 a trial will be held of those of our fellow sailors who wanted to include their forces in the revolutionary movement of the working class ...". [B. m.: b. and., 1916].
Comrade workers! "The war is pulling out thousands of workers from our ranks, we are beating up our German and Austrian comrades for the benefit of our exploiters ..."
The RSDLP (the Mensheviks). The Moscow organization. Comrade workers! "The war is pulling out thousands of workers from our ranks, and we are beating up our German and Austrian comrades for the benefit of our exploiters." [B. m.: b. and., 1916].
Comrade workers! "For 27 months, there has been an unprecedented war in its size ..."
RSDLP. Comrade workers! "For 27 months the war has been unprecedented in its size ...". [B. m.: b. and.], 1916.
Comrade workers! "Two years have already passed since the beginning of the great international war, from the day when the European bourgeoisie, greedy for gain ..."
RSDLP. Petersburg Committee. Comrade workers! "Two years have already passed since the beginning of the great international war, from the day when the European bourgeoisie, greedy for profit ...". [Petrograd: b. and., 1916].
Comrades working. "This is the third year that this unprecedented massacre in the history of mankind has lasted ..."
RSDLP. Comrades working. "This is the third year that this unprecedented carnage in the history of mankind has lasted ...". [B. m.: b. and., 1916].
Comrade soldiers! "From the stuffy factories, factories and workshops, to the screeching of the drive belts, to the thunder of machines and machine tools, we helmet you with our warm fraternal greetings! .."
RSDLP. Petersburg Committee. Comrade soldiers! "From the stuffy factories, factories and workshops, to the screeching of the drive belts, to the thunder of machines and machine tools, we helmet you with our warm fraternal greetings! ..". [Petrograd: b. and., 1916?].
Comrades of a socialist, workers of all countries. "In these gloomy days, when the bloody god of war owns the whole world ..."
RSDLP. Comrades of a socialist, workers of all countries. "In these gloomy days, when the bloody god of war owns the whole world ...". [Petrograd]: publication of the Joint Committee of Student Social Democratic Factions of Higher Educational Institutions in St. Petersburg, 1916.
Comrades! "During the years of reaction, in the years of difficult everyday work, the stratification that took place in our students could not be detected with sufficient certainty for the absence of questions requiring certain actions for their resolution ..."
RSDLP. Comrades! "During the years of reaction, during the years of difficult everyday work, the stratification that took place in our students could not be detected with sufficient certainty for the absence of questions requiring certain actions for their resolution ...". Petrograd: [b. and.], 1916.