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Society and Mass Media: Internet as a global public resource
4 May 2011
May 3 is globally celebrated as the World Press Freedom Day. The joint message from UN Secretary-General, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and UNESCO Director-General reads that new technologies and media open up unprecedented opportunities for expression. However new threats, associated with blocked Internet access and censorship are arising.
на то, что Всемирный день свободы печати в этом году отмечается под девизом «Новые горизонты и новые барьеры
History and culture: The exhibition “The Dutch and Flemish photographers about Russia” opened in Nizhniy Novgorod
6 July 2013
July 4, in the Russian Museum of Photography in Nizhny Novgorod opened the exhibition “The Dutch and Flemish photographers of Russia”.
и именно в контексте такой коллективной выставки, открывающей новые горизонты и возможности
International events: The 21st session of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum held in Vladivostok
27 January 2013
27-31 January 2013 Vladivostok hosts the 21st session of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF).
. В рамках программы сессии будут проведены круглый стол «АТР – Европа: новые горизонты сотрудничества
Prime Minister of Russia: Innovative development of information technologies were reviewed at the meeting under the chairmanship of Dmitry Medvedev in Innopolis
10 June 2015
A meeting of the presidium of the Council on Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia at the President of Russian Federation was held on June 9, 2015, in Innopolis (Republic of Tatarstan).
горизонтом планирования – 20 лет. Поручение это было сформулировано ещё Президентом в Послании
History of a science: The 20-volume collection of books, dedicated to Russian discoverers, to be released
2 April 2014
March 31, 2014 at the Headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society in Moscow was signed the Agreement on Cooperation between the Russian Geographical Society and published by the "Word". The parties will jointly prepare a 20-volume collection of books devoted to Russian discoverers.
путешествий» призвано увековечить память о людях, которые раздвигали горизонты государства Российского
Information technology and culture: Traveling exhibition project “3D-Art” in Khabarovsk
5 April 2015
In April, in the Far Eastern Art Museum is launched a mobile exhibition project "3D-art". From 5 April to 14 May 2015 in the Museum audience will be presented the canvas by modern 3D-style images.
изображений. 3D-искусство в наши дни открывает новые горизонты творчеству, а также распахивает двери
Territory of Russia: Exhibition of paintings and graphic works dedicated to rivers of Central Russia and Russian North underway in Kolomenskoye
2 May 2019
The exhibition “Nestor Khlomov. The Wind of Wandering” will be open in the Moscow State Integrated Museum-Reserve, the Palace of Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich Exhibition Hall in Kolomenskoye until May 12, 2019.
работы, явившиеся результатом этих экспедиций, отличают высокие горизонты и некая дистанция
World history and culture: Archaeological treasures from the National Museum of Bahrain are presented at the exhibition in the Hermitage
11 December 2017
The State Hermitage hosts an exhibition "In the country of Dilmun, where the sun rises ...", organized jointly with the Office of the Affairs of Culture and Antiquities of Bahrain and the National Museum of Bahrain.
. Экспозиция, состоящая из пяти разделов («От мифа к археологическому открытию», «Дильмун и горизонты
IT and Society: International Consumer Electronics Show 2012 underway in Las Vegas
10 January 2012
The International Consumer Electronics Show CES 2012 is running from January 10th until January 13th 2012 in Las Vegas (USA).
форумами, выступлениями и конференциями, в ходе которых освещаются все последние тенденции цифрового мира и открываются горизонты завтрашнего дня.
Internet and Culture: #MoscowWithYou media platform to provide symphony concerts
14 November 2020
Online concerts of the Moscow State Academic Symphony Orchestra conducted by Pavel Kogan are available on the #MoscowWithYou media platform of the Moscow Tourism Committee only. They include works by laureates of the first All-Russian Contest for Young Composers "Score". Its organizer is the Contemporary Art Development Foundation with the support of the Presidential Grants.
произведения «На горизонте» Андрея Кудрявцева, моноопера «Марина» Дмитрия Суворова, сюита из балета
A series of events at the Penza Regional Center of the Presidential Library dedicated to the events of the Russo-Japanese War
13 February 2024
The chief librarian of the Penza Regional Center of the Presidential Library, Olga Perepelkina, prepared an exhibition of materials from the collections of the Lermontov Penza Regional Library, dedicated to the events of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905 - “Not winning, not losing”.
-квеста «Русско-японская: война за горизонтом». Участниками викторины уже стали ученики пензенской школы
World history: “50 years of Space Photography” Exhibition in Moscow
2 August 2011
August 2, 2011 the Gallery "FotoSoyuz" in Moscow launches "50 Years of Space Photography" exhibition, prepared by the S. I. Vavilov Institute of History of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Union of Photo Artists of Russia.
и поверхности планеты, дугообразный изгиб линии горизонта свидетельствуют о съёмке во внеземном
В Республике Алтай открылся шестой центр удалённого доступа к ресурсам Президентской библиотеки
16 July 2024
In the Altai Republic, the grand opening of the Center for Remote Access to resources of the Presidential Library was held in the Adarov Altai Ondugay District Central Library.
большой шаг вперед на пути совершенствования работы с читателями, расширит горизонты информационно
The Presidential Library of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation and Rosstandart are developing partnerships
7 June 2024
On June 6, 2024, during the XXVII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the Presidential Library of the Administrative Directorateof the President of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandard) signed a cooperation agreement.
, что подписанное соглашение откроет новые горизонты для нашего взаимодействия: с одной стороны
Photo exhibition marking 55th anniversary of Valentina Tereshkova’s space flight opened in Baku
20 June 2018
A photo exhibition marking 55th anniversary of the space flight of Valentina Tereshkova – the first woman-cosmonaut, opened at the Russian Information and Cultural Center in Baku.
, вела бортовой журнал и делала фотографии горизонта, которые позже были использованы
History of Russia: Exhibition "The Contribution of the Academy of Sciences to Space Exploration" presented in Moscow
21 May 2021
The Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) launched the exhibition "The Contribution of the Academy of Sciences to Space Exploration".
), умевший заглянуть очень далеко, за линию горизонта. И то, что ему удалось собрать талантливую
Penza hosted the First All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Kalachov Readings"
3 November 2021
On November 2, 2021, the Mikhail Lermontov Penza Regional Library hosted the First All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Kalachov Readings". The online event was devoted to the memory of Nikolai Kalachov (1819-1885), the outstanding Russian specialist in the study of early texts, archivist and historian.
горизонты научного сотрудничества.
В конференции приняли участие представители Москвы, Санкт-Петербурга
Birth of Soviet geologist Raul-Yuri Georgievich Ervier
16 April 1909
16 апреля 1909 г. в Тбилиси (Грузия) родился Рауль-Юрий Георгиевич Эрвье, советский геолог, начальник Главного Тюменского производственного геологического управления («Главтюменьгеология»), выдающийся руководитель, организатор широкомасштабных геологоразведочных работ, Герой Социалистического труда, лауреат Ленинской премии, почётный гражданин Тюмени.
Тюменской области на 2004 год. Тюмень, 2003. С. 45-48; Романовская О. Нефтяные горизонты Юрия Эрвье.... Сибирские горизонты [Текст]: монография. Екатеринбург, 1999.
См. также в Президентской
The first launch of the carrier rocket “Proton”
16 July 1965
On July 16, 1965 took place the first launch of the rocket UR-500 in two-level version with the scientific space station “Proton-1” the name of which later became the name of the carrier rocket.
», «Радуга», «Горизонт», спутники для исследования Луны, Марса, Венеры, кометы Галлея; пилотируемые
Tyumen hosted a round table "The Presidential Library: Effective Practices and Prospects for Development in the Urals Federal District"
20 October 2022
A round table "The Presidential Library: Effective Practices and Prospects for Development in the Urals Federal District" was held in Tyumen.
, что в программу повышения компьютерной грамотности населения «Расширяя горизонты» введён модуль о Президентской
The IX All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Symbols of Russia: the Past and the Present” to be held in Ryazan
5 April 2024
On April 11, 2024 at 11.00 (Moscow time) with the support of the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation and the Presidential Library, the IX All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Symbols of Russia: the Past and the Present” will be held in Ryazan. The event will be held as part of the V Interregional Youth Patriotic Forum “Science of Victory”.
— история российской государственной символики: новые достижения и горизонты исследований
History and Culture: Exhibition “The Enchanted Wanderer. Peter the Great – Researcher, Artist and Collector” to be presented in Moscow
9 January 2019
The exhibition “The Enchanted Wanderer. Peter the Great – Researcher, Artist and Collector” will be presented at the end of 2019 at the Moscow Kremlin Museums (Exhibition Hall of the Assumption Belfry, Exhibition Hall of the Patriarch’s House).
, открывали для российского общества новые горизонты, меняли представления об окружающей действительности
President of Russia: Vladimir Putin held a meeting of the Presidential Council for Science and Education
22 January 2016
January 21, 2016 took place the meeting of the Prsidential Council of Russia for Science and Education. The agenda covered the drafting and implementation of a long-term research and development strategy.
страны должны соответствовать и наши образовательные организации. Необходимо посмотреть за горизонт
The Presidential Library's partner network expands in the field of economy, metrology, music and the sea
5 October 2018
The St. Petersburg State University of Economics, the Mendeleev All-Russian Research Institute of Metrology, the Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Conservatory and the Nevskoye Design Bureau have become partners of the Presidential Library. Today, on October 5, 2018, the institutions signed a cooperation agreement in a solemn atmosphere.
нечто важное. Кроме того, совместная с Президентской библиотекой деятельность откроет широкие горизонты
The Presidential Library to spotlight topical issues of the constitutional law of the Russian Federation
14 December 2021
On December 14, 2021 at 10:30 the Presidential Library will host the fourth annual conference "The Constitution of Russia Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow", timed to coincide with the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation. The conference is organized by the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center Foundation, the Presidential Library, the Commissioner for Human Rights in St. Petersburg and the St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics
за горизонт» и «Изменения в Конституции – изменения в обществе».
В обсуждении планируют принять участие