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History and Culture: The exhibition "Solovki. Fortress of the Spirit" in Veliky Novgorod

2 April 2018
In the St. Nicholas Cathedral of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve (Yaroslavovo Dvorishche) an exhibition "Solovki. Fortress of the spirit" is opened. The exhibition features fifty graphic works by Petersburg artists Irina Eroshkina and Karina Solovyova.
Ерошкиной и Карины Соловьёвой. В экспозиции можно увидеть как этюды, в которых сохранилось дыхание... «Соловки. Крепость духа». На выставке представлено пятьдесят графических работ петербуржских художниц Ирины Ерошкиной и Карины Соловьёвой.

International events: Russia and Austria to hold Cross Years of Literature and Theatre

27 May 2019
In 2020—2021 Austria and Russia will hold the Cross Years of Literature and Theatre. The relevant statement was signed by the Foreign Ministers of Russia and Austria Sergei Lavrov and Karin Kneissl in Sochi.
Карин Кнайсль в Сочи. В рамках перекрёстного года «ожидается активное совместное участие в книжных... заявление подписали министр иностранных дел России Сергей Лавров и министр иностранных дел Австрии Карин Кнайсль в Сочи.

Tambov Regional Center of the Presidential Library joined national campaign "Biblionoch - 2024"

2 May 2024
19 апреля 2024 года специалисты Регионального центра Президентской библиотеки Дмитрий Хордыков, Ульяна Аверьянова и Карина Габриелян провели церемонию открытия Всероссийской акции «Библионочь – 2024», прошедшей в Тамбовской областной универсальной научной библиотеке имени А. С. Пушкина. Мероприятие посвятили Году семьи и чтению в кругу родных людей.
, Ульяна Аверьянова и Карина Габриелян провели церемонию открытия Всероссийской акции «Библионочь – 2024..., Ульяна Аверьянова и Карина Габриелян провели церемонию открытия Всероссийской акции «Библионочь

Tambov Regional Center of Presidential Library took part in events of regional book and reading festival

9 October 2024
The specialists of the Regional Center of the Presidential Library, based at the A.S. Pushkin Tambov Regional Universal Scientific Library, conducted a web-based quest called Family is the Source of Inspiration for 10th-grade students of Novolyadinsk Secondary School.
областной универсальной научной библиотеки имени А. С. Пушкина, Ульяна Аверьянова и Карина Габриелян провели... областной универсальной научной библиотеки имени А. С. Пушкина, Ульяна Аверьянова и Карина Габриелян

Society and Book Culture: Russia’s Ministry of Culture shapes library network with stock management based on RFID tags

13 January 2012
Beginning from 2015 Russians will be able to borrow books in any state library using a single library card. In efforts to make the plan come true the Ministry of Culture is building a network of federal libraries which will use Radio Frequency Identification tags for stock management.  
полками», — говорит Карина Абагян, директор по маркетингу компании «Ситроникс Микроэлектроника

Historical ball held at the Presidential Library

27 April 2023
On April 27, 2023 a ball organized by the Presidential Library and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia took place in the historical building of the Synod. Students of the MGIMO Gorchakov Lyceum, Gazprom School of St. Petersburg and students of Peter the Great Polytechnic University attended the event. The composition of the participants is not accidental: the followers of the tradition of the Russian ball, who support and...
выступили ученики – лидеры школьного самоуправления: Карина Русяева – от имени Горчаковского лицея МГИМО

Presidential Library held video lecture "Ethnographers tell about Yugra"

2 December 2024
On December 2nd, 2024 the Presidential Library hosted an event dedicated to the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra as part of the Knowledge of Russia video lecture series.
фотографии, заслуженного работника культуры Российской Федерации Карины Соловьёвой «Югра в объективе

Internet resources: Google plans to digitize The Royal Library of Denmark

24 December 2009
The world’s largest computer search engine Google has announced about its plans to make available on the web scanned versions of the world’s major libraries.
авторских прав. Министр культуры Дании Карина Кристенсен сказала, что власти всецело одобряют участие

Society and Culture: The “World of Knowledge” film festival in St. Petersburg to present films about the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia

17 August 2022
The XVII International Film Festival of Science Fiction and Research Films “World of Knowledge” will present films about the intangible cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia. The festival will take place in St. Petersburg on September 14-18, 2022.
программа куратора Карины Караевой «Пространство – заложник разума, разум – конструктор физического

Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Kazakhstan congratulated the National

31 August 2020
On the eve of the Constitution Day of Kazakhstan, which is celebrated annually on August 30, the National Library of Kazakhstan hosted a meeting of Irina Pereverzeva, the Consul General of the Russian Federation in Alma-Ata, Deputy Head of the Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Kazakhstan, with the heads and employees of the library.
Исмаилжана Иминова, Антона Митнёва, Карины Сарсеновой, Валерия Михайлова, Зайтуны Кдралиной

The Tambov Regional Center of the Presidential Library joined the “Test on the History of the Great Patriotic War” campaign

5 December 2023
On December 1, 2023, employees of the Regional Center of the Presidential Library, based on the Pushkin Tambov Regional Universal Scientific Library, as well as guests of the library joined the international event “Test on the History of the Great Patriotic War”. The event was timed to coincide with the Day of the Unknown Soldier, a memorable date celebrated annually in Russia on December 3.
центр Президентской библиотеки в лице специалистов Дмитрия Хордыкова, Ульяны Аверьяновой, Карины

The Presidential Library's materials dedicated to St. Theophan the Recluse exhibited in Tambov

23 January 2024
The grand opening of the exhibition “Russian Lands of Zlatoust” took place at the Pushkin Tambov Regional Universal Scientific Library based on the Regional Center of the Presidential Library. The exhibition is dedicated to Saint Theophan the Recluse - one of the key figures in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church, whose works and activities had a significant impact on the development of monastic life, spiritual enlightenment and Orthodox thought in general.
Тамбовского регионального центра Президентской библиотеки Ульяной Аверьяновой и Кариной Габриелян

Russian Language Center opened in Yerevan school

19 March 2019
The center of the Russian language has been opened in the high school №198 of the city of Yerevan on the initiative of the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Armenia.
и литературы Карины Давтян был проведён открытый урок, в рамках занятия ученики школы № 198

The Presidential Library screened a new film "Vivid Hymn to the Fatherland"

17 May 2023
On May 17, 2023 the Presidential Library hosted a screening of a new documentary "Vivid Hymn to the Fatherland" filmed with the support of the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives. The film tells about the unique 12-volume edition "Picturesque Russia", which was published at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, becoming perhaps the most significant milestone in the history of Russian book printing.
отделом фотографий Российского этнографического музея Карина Соловьёва, генеральный директор Российской

Presidential Library invites readers to video lecture "Ethnographers tell about Yugra"

2 December 2024
On December 2nd, 2024 at 14:00 Moscow time, the Presidential Library will host an event dedicated to the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra as part of the Knowledge of Russia video lecture series.
. Лекция заведующей отделом фотографии, заслуженного работника культуры Российской Федерации Карины

The Presidential Library takes part in the opening of the Museum of the Memory of the Victims of Nazism in St. Petersburg

27 February 2020
February 27, 2020 the Russian Museum of Military Medicine - the Museum of Russian Medicine and the Military Medical Service – on the eve of the Year of Memory and Glory and in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 opens the Museum of the Memory of the Victims of Nazism. The Presidential Library is one of the museum’s partners.
«Пушкинская», ул. Введенский канал, д. 6 Контакты для СМИ: Карина Назанян, тел.: 8-904-332-45-48 E-mail milmedmuseum_pr@mil.ru.

The winners and prize-awardees of Russia in the Electronic World Olympiad awarded at the Presidential Library

17 May 2022
The annual interactive Russia in the Electronic World Olympiad for senior pupils has been completed. On May 17, 2022 the ceremony of awarding the winners and prize-awardees of the Olympiad was held at the Presidential Library.
– диплом 2 степени по истории; Никита Гришаков – диплом 2 степени по русскому языку; Карина Галоян

The Presidential Library to show a new film "The Picturesque Anthem to the Fatherland"

17 May 2023
On May 17, 2023, at 14:30, the Presidential Library will host a screening of a new documentary film "The Picturesque Anthem to the Fatherland", filmed with the support of the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives. The film tells about the unique 12-volume edition "Picturesque Russia", which was published at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, becoming perhaps the most significant milestone in the history of Russian book printing.
, заведующая отделом фотографий Российского этнографического музея Карина Соловьёва, генеральный директор