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Birthday anniversary of Russian poet Sergei Yesenin (1895-1925)

3 October 1895
Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin (1895-1925) is a favourite poet of many Russian and foreign lovers of poetry, according to a survey of the Russian Institute for Social and National Problems. He is recognized as the first among writers and poets of the XX century. "Sergei Yesenin is Pushkin of the XX century", wrote the poetess Larisa Vasilyeva.
поэзии, по опросу Российского института социальных и национальных проблем, признан первым среди... почитателей поэзии, по опросу Российского института социальных и национальных проблем, признан первым среди

Issues of developing a regional network of remote access centers to the resources of the Presidential Library discussed in Ryazan

26 May 2023
Within the framework of the IX Scientific and Practical Conference Corporate Projects: Problems, Prospects, Priorities, held at the Gorky Ryazan Regional Universal Scientific Library, the Regional Center of the Presidential Library organized a session Development of a regional network of remote access centers to the resources of the Presidential Library: results, goals and perspectives.
В рамках IX Научно-практической конференции «Корпоративные проекты: проблемы, перспективы...В рамках IX Научно-практической конференции «Корпоративные проекты: проблемы, перспективы

Cinema club attendees to see film by Olga Kornienko marking the 900th anniversary of Yugra

13 December 2018
December 13, at 16:00, the regular cinema club meeting devoted to the 900th anniversary of Yugra will be held at the Presidential Library within the framework of the project “The History of the Russian Statehood in the History of its Regions”.
. В программе – презентация книги Ольги Корниенко «Уходящая натура: что осталось за кадром» (2017) и показ.... В программе – презентация книги Ольги Корниенко «Уходящая натура: что осталось за кадром» (2017

The Presidential Library presented its new projects to the regions

4 October 2017
Heads of regional branches of the Presidential Library have met at an offsite meeting in the city of Pushkino, Moscow Oblast, to discuss the possibilities of advance of information resources. The event is supported by the Government of the Moscow Oblast on the basis of the Moscow State Regional Scientific Library named after N. K. Krupskaya and the Moscow Oblast Regional Center of Access to the Resources of the Presidential Library and will last until October 5, 2017, inclusive.
. Кроме того, в фонде Президентской библиотеки представлены уникальные кадры фотохроники ТАСС времён... на исторические события или общественные проблемы. Участникам предлагают сравнить содержание исторических

Catherine the Great and "children's issue" - in the Presidential Library collections

1 June 2018
June 1, 2018 marks the International Children's Day. The Presidential Library electronic collections present numerous materials revealing the relations between "fathers and children", the problems of upbringing and education of the younger generation in different periods of Russian history.
», проблемы воспитания и образования юного поколения в разные периоды истории России. «Всякое дитя...», проблемы воспитания и образования юного поколения в разные периоды истории России.

Russian regions: Days of the Arctic to be held in Arkhangelsk

22 February 2013
From February 25-28 the Days of the Arctic will be held in Arkhangelsk. The event is aimed at promoting the study of the Arctic territories, strengthening of the status of the university as the base platform for the discussion of problems and prospects of the Russian Arctic, its biodiversity, the history and prospects of development as well as to attract interest of local media to the Arctic theme.
для обсуждения проблем и перспектив Российской Арктики, ее биоразнообразия, истории освоения и перспектив... для обсуждения проблем и перспектив Российской Арктики, ее биоразнообразия, истории освоения и перспектив

International Conferences: WebWise 2010 Conference “Imagining the Digital Future”

23 January 2010
The University of Denver and the Denver Art Museum announce open registration for the 2010 WebWise Conference on Libraries and Museums in the Digital World which will take place in March 3-5, 2010, in Denver (USA, Colorado).
”, посвященной проблеме деятельности библиотек и музеев в цифровую эпоху, которая пройдет с 3 по 5 марта 2010г. в г. Денвер (США, штат Колорадо).

Promotion of reading and media and information literacy in the Volgograd regional center of the Presidential Library

5 April 2018
March 29-30, 2018 an interregional scientific and practical seminar "Promoting Reading and Media Information Literacy: Problems and Prospects" was held in the Volgograd Regional Center of the Presidential Library on the basis of the M. Gorky Regional Universal Scientific Library for leaders and specialists of municipal libraries and school library centers.
«Продвижение чтения и медийно-информационной грамотности: проблемы и перспективы». Организаторами... коммуникациям. На семинаре обсуждались проблемы, основные тенденции и итоги работы в сфере чтения... «Продвижение чтения и медийно-информационной грамотности: проблемы и перспективы».

Internet and Russian regions: Internet resource “Cultural memory of modern Russia – Euro-Arctic North” presented in Murmansk

14 November 2014
November 12, 2014 in the Murmansk Regional Scientific Library took place a meeting of the club of ethnographers, which introduced a new online resource, "Cultural memory of modern Russia: Euro-Arctic North" - the result of the joint work of the Murmansk State Humanities University and the Center for the humanitarian problems of the Barents region. 
и Центра гуманитарных проблем Баренц-региона. На сайте представлены материалы, собранные в процессе... и Центра гуманитарных проблем Баренц-региона.  

Digital libraries: Booklet “Digitisation: standards landscape for European museums, archives, libraries” translated

22 March 2011
The Center for the Problems of Culture Informatization (Center PIK) has released a translation of the booklet “Digitisation: standards landscape for European museums, archives, libraries”, published by the working group of the ATHENA project, which aggregates information resources of European museums, libraries and archives and shares collected materials with the European Digital Library Europeana.  
Центр по проблемам информатизации сферы культуры (Центр ПИК) опубликовал перевод брошюры...Центр по проблемам информатизации сферы культуры (Центр ПИК) опубликовал перевод брошюры

Information technology and society: The X International forum “Partnership of state, business and civil society to provide International information security” in Germany

27 April 2016
In the town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany) from 25 to 28 April is held the X Anniversary International Forum "Our government, business and civil society in ensuring international information security", organized by the Moscow State University of the Moscow State Institute for Information Security Issues in cooperation with the Council of the device security of the Russian Federation.
безопасности», организованный Институтом проблем информационной безопасности МГУ имени М... экспертного сообщества по актуальным проблемам международной информационной безопасности. Среди... противодействия интернет-рекрутингу и интернет-пропаганде экстремизма и терроризма, обсуждение проблем... информационной безопасности», организованный Институтом проблем информационной безопасности МГУ имени М

Information technology and education: The implementation of the project “The Russian Electronic School” is starting

24 December 2015
The State Council on Education, held on December 23, 2015 under the chairmanship of President of Russia Vladimir Putin, could not avoid the issue of innovation. The head of state supported the proposal of the working group of the State Council to set up a public e-school where will be housed training materials and manuals, lectures of famous teachers and scientists.  
Госсовет по проблемам образования, прошедший 23 декабря 2015 года под председательством Президента...) Ярослав Кузьминов. По его мнению, вскоре будет решена проблема улучшения качества образования... и исследований, в том числе на иностранных языках. Впрочем, помимо решения проблемы авторского права...Госсовет по проблемам образования, прошедший 23 декабря 2015 года под председательством

What do we know about how we speak? The Presidential Library told about the modern spoken language

18 April 2023
On April 18, 2023 the Presidential Library hosted a video lecture "Modern Spoken Language, or What We Know About How We Speak". 2023 has been declared the Year of the Russian language as the language of interethnic communication in the CIS space. In this regard, the Presidential Library hosted a series of lectures on topical issues of Russian studies and the problems of the development of the Russian language in the world.
, посвящённых актуальным вопросам русистики и проблемам развития русского языка в мире. В чём заключаются.... Заключительный видеолекторий из цикла лекций, посвящённых актуальным вопросам русистики и проблемам..., посвящённых актуальным вопросам русистики и проблемам развития русского языка в мире.

The Presidential Library spotlighted the most effective rhetorical devices in political discourse

24 April 2023
On April 24, 2023 the Presidential Library hosted a video lecture "Rhetorical devices in political discourse". This was the final video lecture which was held as part of the cycle dedicated to the Year of the Russian Language as the Language of Interethnic Communication in the CIS countries. The project has been developed by the Presidential Library in order to tell about topical issues of Russian studies and the problems of the development of the Russian language in the world.
, чтобы рассказать об актуальных вопросах русистики и проблемах развития русского языка в мире. Насколько..., чтобы рассказать об актуальных вопросах русистики и проблемах развития русского языка в мире.

International events: International Congress “World Heritage of CIS Countries” to be held in Moscow

22 November 2018
On November 22–23, 2018 the Heritage Institute (Moscow) with support of the Ministry of Culture of Russia is holding the 3rd International Congress “World Heritage of CIS Countries”. It focuses on problems of sustainable management of world heritage properties and preparation of cross-border nominations for inclusion in UNESCO’s World Heritage List.
проводится III Международный конгресс «Всемирное наследие стран СНГ». Он посвящён проблемам устойчивого... проводится III Международный конгресс «Всемирное наследие стран СНГ». Он посвящён проблемам

The Presidential Library hosts the XXVIII International Financial Congress

5 July 2019
July 3-5, 2019 the XXVIII International Financial Congress (IFC-2019) is held in the Presidential Library. It will focus on topical issues of the financial industry, the development of regulation and supervision in the financial market, monetary policy and economic development issues. The operators of the International Financial Congress are traditionally the Bank of Russia and the Roscongress Foundation. 
финансовый конгресс (МФК-2019). В рамках конгресса – обсуждение актуальных проблем финансовой индустрии... финансовый конгресс (МФК-2019). В рамках конгресса – обсуждение  актуальных проблем финансовой индустрии

History of Russia: The III International conference of young scientists and specialists “CLIO-2013” in Moscow

10 April 2013
April 10-11, 2013 the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RSACPH) with the assistance of the Russian Society of Historians and Archivists holds the III International Conference of young scientists and specialists “CLIO-2013”. Historical documents and urgent issues of archaeology, national and world history of modern and contemporary time”.
молодых учёных и специалистов «КЛИО-2013». Исторические документы и актуальные проблемы археографии... и актуальные проблемы археографии, отечественной и всеобщей истории нового и новейшего времени...» – это открытая площадка для обсуждения большого спектра проблем молодыми учёными широкого гуманитарного... заседание. Её работа будет продолжена в 4 секциях: - Актуальные проблемы археографии; - Всеобщая история... молодых учёных и специалистов «КЛИО-2013». Исторические документы и актуальные проблемы археографии

World libraries: Library of Congress to Host First International Summit of the Book

12 November 2012
The Library of Congress on December 6 and 7 will host the first International Summit of the Book, a gathering of leaders in academia, libraries, culture and technology to debate and discuss the powerful and crucial form of information transmittal: the book.  
для того, чтобы обсудить проблемы такого важного источника передачи и хранения информации как книга. Директор Библиотеки... для того, чтобы обсудить проблемы такого важного источника передачи и хранения информации как книга.  

Memorable Dates of Russia: Saint-Petersburg to host the XIV International Peter the Great Congress marking the emperor’s anniversary

9 June 2021
Annually Saint-Petersburg hosts the International Peter the Great Congress, marking the birthday of Peter the Great celebrated on June 9. It aims at comprehensive study of Peter the Great's age and its legacy, drawing attention to the problems of preserving monuments to the emperor, developing cooperation between Russian and European scientific, educational and cultural institutions.
и её наследия, привлечение внимания к проблемам сохранения петровских памятников, расширение... и её наследия, привлечение внимания к проблемам сохранения петровских памятников, расширение

Birth of Alexey A. Shakhmatov, Russian linguist, teacher, academician of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences

17 June 1864
5 (17) June 1864 in Narva, in a noble family was born Alexey Shakhmatov, Russian linguist, educator, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1894), a member of the State Council of the Russian Empire (1906), scholar of ancient Russian literature, Russian chronicles, problems of Russian and Slavic ethnogenesis, and questions of ancestral home and  parent language of Slaves.
Российской империи (1906); исследователь древнерусской литературы, русского летописания, проблем русского... Российской империи (1906); исследователь древнерусской литературы, русского летописания, проблем

The Presidential Library portrays Nicholas II

18 May 2023
May 18, 2023 marks the 155th anniversary of the birth of Emperor Nicholas II - a man about whom historians still argue and who Orthodox Christians pray to. He himself seemed to have a premonition of a tragic fate and never for a moment left the superstitious fear that if he was destined to be born on the day of St. Job the Long-suffering, then his family was destined to suffer.
. Историю этой крепкой и любящей семьи хранят их фотоальбомы, на кадрах кинохроники видно, как царь... проблемах. Долгожданный наследник престола, царевич Алексей, которого родители называли «наше

Libraries of the world: Theoretical & Practical seminar “Perspectives of libraries’ development in the 21st century” held in India

10 December 2011
Libraries of the world: Theoretical & Practical seminar “Perspectives of libraries’ development in the 21st century” held in IndiaTheoretical & Practical seminar “Perspectives of development of libraries in the 21st century” takes place in India (Deli – Agra - Jaipur) 10 to 18 December 2011.  
библиотечно-информационных фондов. - Подготовка и закрепление кадров. - Проблемы управления современной

“The Baikal Ferry” movie about the forgotten chapter of Russian history — at the Presidential Library Cinema Club

5 December 2017
The premiere screening of a movie directed by Mikhail Chumak entitled “Breaking the ice of oblivion: the Baikal Ferry” was held at the Presidential Library Cinema Club at its next in turn scheduled meeting, after which the participants of the event have discussed it, revealing one of the little-known pages in the history of our state.
страны могла быть сегодня совершенно иной». Не зря ведь картина, первые кадры которой показывают нам... к документам. Проблема исторической памяти поколений лежит глубже и ещё ждет своего осмысления. Наш фильм

“German. Beyond the camera” movie premiere and a presentation of “The feature length German” book of Alexander Pozdnyakov took place in the Presidential Library

30 March 2017
A first screening of the movie “German. Beyond of the camera” along with a presentation of the book" The Great Herman ". The author of the works is Alexander Pozdnyakov.
кадра, и по глубине поднимаемых проблем. Его фильмы долго шли к зрителю по причине отправки

Science and society: Sergey Kapitsa awarded the Golden Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences for his scientific merits

21 February 2012
The Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences named the first holder of the Golden Medal for outstanding achievements in the promotion of scientific knowledge.
физических проблем, профессору, доктору физико-математических наук Сергею Капице. Всего, что сделал... физических проблем, профессору, доктору физико-математических наук Сергею Капице.  
